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An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


A second letter as to twelve words. New York, June 30, 1905.

Second letter on the Nebraska question (Respectfully addressed to the delegation in Congress, from Pennsylvania.) By Charles Miner. Repeal of the Missouri compromise. [1854].

Second list. Louisiana, Florida and Texas. List of claimants against the United States for property alleged to have been taken or furnished for the use of the Union armies; it being represented that during the late rebellion the sympathies of th

... Second meeting of the General committee of fifteen delegations from the three committees. Wednesday, October 31, 1883. New York 1883.

... Second meeting of the executive committee Monday, October 15, 1883 New York 1883.

The second section of the Articles of war. [also] The sixth section of the articles of war. The oath of fidelity. [New York: Printed by James Rivington, 1778].

Second ward. Register. William J. McCormick Z. K. Offutt, Peter M. Pearson. Collector. Robert J. Roche. Surveyor. Henry W. Ball. Alderman. Beniah Willett ... Common Council. Nicholas Callan ... Assessor. George H. Plant ... [Boston 1853].

The Secretary of State, to whom was referred by the House of representatives the letter of John H. Mitchell, reciting certain proposals, for supplying the United States with copper coinage, has had the same under consideration, according to inst

The Secretary of state to the American ambassador at London. (Telegram) Department of State. Washington, December 26, 1914.

The Secretary of state, to whom was referred, by the House of representatives of the United States, the petition of Jacob Isaacks of Newport, in Rhode Island, has examined into the truth and importance of the allegations therein set forth, and m

The Secretary of the Treasury. Sir. I cannot charge my memory with all the particulars, which have passed between us, relative to the disposition of the money borrowed ... Go: Washington. United States, April 8th, 1794. [Philadelphia: Printed by

Secretary's office. Concord, August 2d, 1806. Dear Sir. The very concerns that do now, and will for a long time, claim attention in the Secretary's office in Concord, and which making my own care and labor, as well as the assistance of several o

Secretary's office. Concord. January 20th, 1807. To the selectmen of the town of --Gentlemen, You are sensible of the duty imposed upon all the towns in this State, by the Act of the Legislature passed December 30th, 1803, entitled an "Act to ca

Secretary's report of the Soldiers' aid society, Church of the Unity, for the year 1862--63.

Sectarian appropriations - Church and state-European war. Piermont, New York, January 1st 1875.

Sedalia, Mo., July 1st, 1874. Dear Sir: Having been appointed to read an Essay on Anaesthesia and anaesthetics at the next session of the Mo. Med. Ass'n--- meeting in April, 1875--- And having a desire to make said essay as complete as possible

Sedition! Treason! Believing that to excite the indignation of the Electors of the state of New-York ... Read, fellow-citizens, and reflect on this picture of federalism! Legislature of Massachusetts, [n.p., n. d.].

The select committee to which was referred "so much of the Governor's message as relates to the resolutions from the states of Louisiana, Maine, New-Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, with the accompanying documents," beg leave to report ... the adopt

The select committee, appointed on the subject of the poor laws, respectfully report. [Albany, 1823].

Select list [no. 45] of hardy bulbous and herbaceous plants, roses, shrubs, etc. Chosen from the collections of Spooner and Parkman, nurserymen and florists, Jamaica Plain, Mass. For sale by B. T. Wells, horticultural agent, Boston. [Boston, 186

Select school Mrs. Kingsley will re-open a select school for children, from four to ten years of age, on Monday, the 10th of September, 1860.

Semi-centennial celebration of the inauguration of Washington. Ode. April 30, 1839.

Senate chamber of the United States. Engraved & published by J. V. N. Throop, C. W. Missouri Avenue between 4.5 and 6th St. [1839?].

Senate concurrent resolution, No. 5. State of New Jersey. Introduced March 12, 1907. By Mr. Avis. Referred to Committee on Militia.

Senator Blaine's letter to an Irishman. Bangor. October 29th, 1880.

Senator Henderson's financial bill. From the Miners' Journal of February 1, 1868.

Senator Lee answers Mr. Bogley ... July 26, 1909.

Senator Sherman's financial bill. From the Miners' journal of January 4, 1868.

Senator Trumbull. It is rumored that Hon. Lyman Trumbull, United States Senator, and candidate for re-election, has found it necessary to abandon his place and duties, and is now on his way to this city to look after his political interests ...

Senator making in Louisiana! - and - he who should be senator. [1877].

Senatorial committee address. (Lorain, Medina, Ashland and Richland counties) To the Ex-soldiers and to the pensioners of this Senatorial district. [n. d.].

The sentiments of an American woman. On the commencement of actual war, the women of America manifested a firm resolution to contribute as much as could depend on them, to the deliverance of their country. [Recalling the patriotism of women of o

Separation. At a meeting held at Freeport, from the Counties of Cumberland, Lincoln and Kennebec, the Hon. Jacob Abbot, being chosen Chairman ... It was voted that a committee be raised to consider and make a report on the best mode of bringing

September 18, 1758. To the Honorable Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty's Lieutenant-governor, Commander in chief, of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia: The humble address of the House of Burgesses.. [Williamsburg: Printed by William Hunter, 1

September 18, 1758. To the Honorable Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty's Lieutenant-governor, and Commander in chief, of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia: The humble address of the Council. [Williamsburg: Printed by William Hunter, 1758] [Ne

September 20, 1864. The real question at issue. Boston, 1864.

September 22d, 1756. To the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie, Esq; His Majesty's Lieutenant governor, and Commander in chief, of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia; the humble address of the House of Burgesses. [Williamsburg: Printed by William Hunte

September 22d, 1756. To the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie, Esq; His Majesty's Lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief, of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia; the humble address of the Council. [Williamsburg: Printed by William Hunter, 1756] [N

September 27th, 1794. Gentlemen. Actuated by a sincere regard for the welfare of our common city. I take the liberty to trouble you with a few lines. [Urging, for business reasons an authoritative statement of the actual state of the yellow feve

September the 17th, 1802, I received your letter Alexander Stevenson, you escaped from the gallows from your own country; but I am sorry, as you should come into America, to be executed in the city of New York, the gallows now is about building,

Sepulchre of Washington. From a drawing made on the spot by Captain Watson of the British navy .... [n. p. n. d.].

Series A. Certificate No. Issued 1908 Sample copy. [Washington, D. C. 1908].

Serious appeal! Read and reflect!!. Fellow-citizens- The following letter, being one of a series from the pen of a distinguished statesman of Virginia, is recommended to the serious consideration of every man who has a stake in the welfare of hi

Sermon in Peterboro May 1, 1865. The nation still unsaved. Only repentance can save it.

A sermon on goats. Prov. xxvi. 27. "And thou shalt have goats milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance of thy maidens.".

A sermon on goats. [n. d.].

A sermon on the war, by the Rev. Elias Nason, preached to the soldiers at Exeter. N. H. May 19, 1861.

Services in St. Mary's church during the season of Lent… St. Mary's church, Newton Lower Falls. February 1867.

The sesqui centennial of the ordination as the minister of Mason, New hampshire of the Reverend Ebenezer Hill ... at the Church, Mason, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, Sunday, November 3, 1940, at 3 o'clock.

Seven hints for all who will take them by a Church of England-man. [Philadelphia, July 17, 1770].

The seven-thirty loan. Where the people put their money. One day's subscription. New York Tribune, Tuesday, March 7, 1865.

Seventh annual celebration of the birthday of Henry Clay, April 12, 1852. The Natal day song. Written and sung by William G. Mickell, Esq. [s. l.]

The Seventy-seventh. Twenty-second annual reunion at Ballston Spa. [1894].

Seward. A thousand slanders uttered long and late ... A. D. F. R. April 19, 1865.

Seward. Eight years of service, such as greatest Kings ... A. D. F. R. March 4,1869

Seward. Well, be it so! The not uncommon fate ... A. D. F. R. [1865].

Seymour and Blair! ... National Democratic campaign song ... [n. p. n. d.].

Seymour and universal taxation. The workingman's cart subject to equal taxation with the rich man's coach ... Washington, D. C. Printed at the office of The Great republic [1868?].

Seymour and universal taxation. The workingman's cart subject to equal taxation with the rich man's coach. Washington, D. C. Printed at the office of the Great Republic [n. d.].

Shadows of voices, [by] Dennis McCalib.

Shaking hands across the bloody chasm - The Greeley party on the record - official statement of the two democratic senators and six democratic members of the house. [n. p. 1867?].

Shall a free-trade candidate lead a protection party? Is Arthur responsible for the reduction on the tariff on wool? [n. p. 1884].

Shall communists rule America? A powerful patriotic sermon by Rev. William Edward Biederwolf ... on January 26, 1936 ... [New York, 1936].

Shall the free men of Kentucky secure their rights? ... A republican. [Kentucky, Apr.? 1798].

Shall the republic be preserved? Mr. Tilden's letter to the Jefferson club of New Haven. Graystone, March 30, 1882.

Shall the soldiers vote? ... These simple extracts from the minutes of the Legislature must show every honest inquirer to which party he must look for the real friends of the soldier. Mercer. [1864].

Shall we have a convention? Citizens of Kentucky. [Signed] Gracchus. [Kentucky, Apr.? 1798].

Shall we have war with Mexico? ... American union against militarism. New York, June 26, 1916.

The shame of Massachusetts. On January 22, 1878, Mr. James G. Blaine, then a Senator in Congress, styled Massachusetts, in debate, "A State, bristling all over with unpatriotic records going clear up to the verge of treason and in the opinion of

The Sheet anchor. Trenton. N. J. Friday Oct. 11, 1844. [Election returns].

Shelling of Fort Anderson March 14, 1863 ... New York 1863.].

Shells for exchange ... The shells on this list can be sent by mail ... A. A. Hinkley Du Bois, Ill. [n. d.].

Sheridan's last ride. New York. Am. Photo-Lith. Co. [n. d.].

Sheridan's last ride. [n. d.].

Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on Monday, June 1, 1846, at 8 o'clock, P. M. at the Philadelphia exchange, all that certain lot of ground of the Eastern side of the

Sheriff's office. Philadelphia. June 28, 1844 Sir:- In the present excited state of popular feeling, it is possible that some accidental cause may produce disturbance on the approaching anniversary of our national indepedence ... Morton Mc Micha

Sheriff's sale of real estate ... Seized and taken into execution, and to be sold by J. D. Bitting, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Reading. Nov. 10, 1860.

Sheriff's sale. By virtue of a writ of Venditoni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue on Monday, July 5, 1847, at 8 o'clock, P. M., at the Philadelphia exchange, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on th

Sheriff's sale. By virtue of a writ of levari facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on Monday evening. February 1, 1864. at 4 o'clock at Sansom Street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the northeast-ward

Sheriff's sales of real estate ... Seized and taken into execution and to be sold by J.D. Bitting, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Reading, December 22, 1860.

The Sherman bill for dispoiling the treasury. From the Cincinnati gazette [n. d.].

Sherman's address to his army. Headquarters Military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Washington, D.C. May 30, 1865. Special field orders. No. 76. [Signed] W. T. Sherman, Major General. [Washington, D.C. 1865.].

Shingle machine! Skinner's patent shingle machine is now on exhibition at the Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute fair. The machine, well managed, will rive and shave 20,000 shingles in ten hours ... Purdy & Skinner. Washington, Feb. 23d. 1855. H.

Ship Dutchess of Gordon, Off New York, 18th Dec. 1775. Sir, I lose no time in transmitting to you herewith, a letter I this morning received from Captain Parker, of his Majesty's Ship Phoenix, communicating certain instructions he has received f

The Ship Edward, George Scott, Claimant, vs the United States. [1815?].

Shipped by the Grace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] in and upon the good Ship called the [blank] whereof is master, under God in [blank] River, and by God's grace bound for [blank] to say [blank] hogshe d of Maryland leaf

Shipping articles for ocean steamers. New York. J. P. Wright., printer, 74 Fulton Street. [c. 1850].

Shocking earthquakes Charleston, (S. C.) Feb. 7, 1812. Yesterday morning, about half past 3 o'clock the inhabitants of his place were very much alarmed by another tremendous shock of an earthquake ... Boston----Printed and sold at the Printing-O

Shooting on this property is prohibited. War protect the birds as a war measure! The food destroyed in America by insects and small rodents would feed the people of Belgium! Birds are the great natural enemies of these pests ... National Associa

A short address to the voters of Delaware. [Signed at end] A Christian federalist. Kent County. Sept. 21, 1800.

A short and sincere declaration, to our Honorable Assembly, and all others in high or low station of administration, and to all friends and inhabitants of this Country, to whose sight this may come be they English or Germans [A Mennonites protes

Short curves. 23 August, 1831- Renewed 26th September, 1835. To all whom these presents shall come: be it known, that I James Stimpson ... have invented a new and useful improvement in the mode of turning short curves upon railroads ... James St

A short discourse delivered by Mr. Abraham Camp at the funeral of Amasa Tinkham ... late of Connecticut, who was called to officiate in the holy ministry at Middleborough, where he preached to great satisfaction several months. This pious and le

A short history of a moral & political scoundrel. To my fellow-citizens- John S. Tyson than whom a dirtier scoundrel does not breathe - a fellow, both morally and politically corrupt ... put in circulation late Thursday night ... an infamous han

Short ode, to be printed on card, on back of which questions will be answered in brief to bird fanciers. (Written by Henry Bishop, the bird man of Baltimore, Md.) [n. d.].

A short sketch of our troubles in the anti-slavery cause ... Newport, Kentucky. Office of the Daily and weekly news 1858.

A short talk to New York workingmen. [From the New York Sun, May 27th, 1888.].

The shorter catechism of negro quality .... Philadelphia. Harris Printer [1863].

Should a married woman work for money? The effect on herself. Boston. Cambridge literary bureau and press [c. 1892].

Should the nullifiers succeed in their views of separation, and the Union be in consequence dissolved, the following will be an appropriate epitah. (Anticipation. Disunited States. January 1, 1834. Epitaphhere ... lie the shattered remains of th

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