PREV........NEXT........INDEX........NEW SEARCH

An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


A new era in plowing! A great saving of time and power, Baker's patent double plowing machine ... New York [1862].

New express. Convenience and economy! ... Geo. Leonard, Jr., agent. Roxbury, Boston & South-End express. Rosbury, Sept. 1861. S.O. Thayer, printer, over Boylston Market, Boston.

A new federal song. Tune.- "Hearts of Oak" [n. d.].

The new gold loan. [n. p. 1871].

A new interest table; by which the interest of any sum, from one dollar to one million, for one day to ten years, can be readily and correctly ascertained. Calculated at seven per cent, and adapted to general use. Rochester: Published by the aut

New invented washing-mill made by Josiah G. Pierson No. 10, White-Hall-Street, opposite the Government house ... Directions. New York, October 6, 1792. [New York] T. Greenleaf. print. [1792].

The new light! Atmospheric kerosene coal oil lamp. New York, De Vries & Wood, printers [1866].

New list of prices of hoop skirts, thread, corsets, trimmings, hosiery, buttons, fancy goods and small wares, now being sold at the Cheap Store. 98 Dudley Street, Boston Highlands ... Boston. F. A. Searle, Printer. Journal Building [1868].

A new manual exercise, for the foot, very useful for the army and militia [arms] New York: Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at the Bible and Crown in Hanover Square 1759.

The new nation. [By] L. J. Chassee. Detroit. 4439 Seminole Avenue [n. d.].

A new national song under an old title. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1864 by G. R. Lillibridge, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Michigan, at Detroit. "We're coming Father Abraham!- three millions, sir, or more

A new paper for the new year ... Early in December next, he will commence the publication of The American sentinel .... Ben: Perley Poore [Boston. n. d.].

New plan of finance ... Troy. N. Y. January, 15, 1863.

The new poet to Richard Watson Gilder to Lewis McKenzie Turner. [Baltimore? n. d.].

New publication.. The true republican: containing the inaugural addresses, together with the first annual address and messages of all the presidents of the United States ... This work is well printed on good paper, and new type, 12 mo size; hand

... A new reconstruction. [May? 1919].

New rules for the American Caron game. as played on the standard America Caron billard table. Julius Blake manufacturer of Standard American Billiard tables with the celebrated Phelan & Collender Pat. combination cushions, North-east corner Main

New short, and simple methods of addition, multiplication, and division by Prof. J. B. Andrews. [n. p.] [c. 1866].

A new society, called the self-examining society ... The constitution. [s. l., 184-?].

A new song in favor of courting. [n. p. n. d.].

A new song on the death of Robert Howel Boston. Printed and sold by N. Coverly, Jun Milk-Street [1811?].

A new song on the repeal of the stamp-act, Tune: A late worthy Old Lyon. [Philadelphia, 1766].

New style of hats bonnets, furs and fancy goods! J. T. Evans has just returned from the northern cities with the most complete stock of hats, furs, & infants' goods ever offered in Washington ... [Washington, September 1853].

New theatre. On Friday evening, December 16th, 1808, will be presented the celebrated comic opera of, The Siege of Belgrade ... To which will be added, the favorite melo-drame of The Blind Boy ... [New York 1808].

A new theory of equal rights; or the principles of taxation and representation laid down in the Constitution proposed to be adopted by the Citizens of the State of Rhode Island on the 21st, 22d and 23d days of March A. D. 1842 .... Published by

New wood & coal yard. at No. 5. North Russell Street ... Andrew Crockett. Boston, April 5th, 1862.

New-Haven, March 11, 1774. At a meeting of the select-men in this town, on Monday last, the following petition, signed by more than two hundred of the inhabitants of the town was presented to them. To the select-men of the town of New-Haven [Pet

New-Orleans price-current and commercial intelligencer. Wholesale prices. Saturday February 6, 1841. [New Orleans] Printed and published by F. Cook & A. Levy, 1841.

New-York Sept. 15, 1773. To the corporation. Gentlemen. The alacrity with which you began, and the indefatigable perfeverance of your body, to amove Alderman Blagg, one of the most respectable of your board, from the office of Alderman and Justi

New-York Tribune. Vol. XXXIII, no. 10,278; Thursday, March 12, 1874 [undated facsimile].

New-York canal lands on sale ... Hez. B. Pierpont. [New York] October, 1823.

New-York preserved, or the plot discovered. Whilst the leaders of the antifederal junto in this city are raising a hue-and-cry against electing a lawyer, as a representative for this district, their adherents in Westchester county are supporting

New-York, April 27, 1775. To the public. As many publications have appeared from my press which have given offense to the colonies, and particularly to many of my fellow citizens, I am therefore led, by a most sincere regard for their favourable

New-York, April 29, 1775. A general association, agreed to, and subscribed by the freeholders, freemen, and inhabitants of the City and County of New York. Persuaded, that the salvation of the rights and liberties of America, depends under God,

New-York, Committee Chamber, 29th May, 1775. Whereas the public service of the Colony may render large supplies of the following articles absolutely necessary ... [Ten articles of supply not to be disposed of, and requiring report of quantity on

New-York, Committee- Chamber, 5th June, 1775. Resolved, that Mr. Isaac Sears be nominated by this Committee for the approbation of the freeholders and freemen, of this city and county, to represent them in Provincial Congress in the room of Mr.

New-York, Committee-Chamber, May 15, 1775. Resolved that copies of the association be lodged at the following places in the respective wards of this City ... [Signed] Isaac Low, Chairman. [New York: Printed by John Holt, 1775].

New-York, February 17, 1787. Theatre. By the Old American Company. On Monday evening, being the 19th of February, will be performed (By Particular desire) A tragedy called the Gamester ... [New York, 1787].

New-York, January 9, 1769. The freeholders and freemen of this City and County, in the interest of Philip Livingston, Peter Van Brugh Livingston, John Morin Scott, and Theodorus Van Wck, Esqes, the four candidates they unanimously nominated for

New-York, July 20th, 1769. Advertisement of greater importance to the public, than any which has yet appeared on the like occasion. It was hoped that the odious manner in which some violators of the non-importation agreement had been held up to

New-York, June 12, 1770. Advertisement. Whereas a number of persons, who are immediately interested in the importation of goods from Great Britain; have entered into a scheme, to frustrate the laudable endeavours of those patriotic merchants, an

New-York, June 21, 1775. The General Committee for the City and County of New-York, having received intelligence that Andrew Tavener, master of the ship Sally arrived ... Newfoundland ... [Theophylact Bache makes sworn affidavit that its destina

New-York, June 22, 1774. Whereas it is reported, that an effigy or effigies will be exhibited this evening, this is to notify the citizens, that if any effigies should be exhibited this evening, the Friends of Liberty have no concern or agency i

New-York, March 1817. Sir. Being appointed a committee of the New York Historical Society (instituted in the year 1804) for the collection of manuscripts and scarce books, relating to the history of this County, and hoping that it may be in your

New-York, May 1, 1775. To the regular soldiery of Great-Britain, now on service in the British American colonies. Friends and countrymen. The business and profession of a soldier, when properly applied- to its true and lawful design, is highly u

New-York, November 26, Last Sunday night arrived the Lord Hyde Packet in 47 days from Falmouth. From the English papers brought we have extracted the following important advices. London. September 30. The definitive treaty, between Great-Britain

New-York, November 5, 1773. To the friends of liberty, and commerce, Gentlemen. It must be strongly marked on your minds, that the end of the last non-importation agreement, was to obtain a repeal of the tyrannical act of Parliament, that impose

New-York, September 8, 1775. The Ship Samson, Capt. Coupar, arrived here this morning in 8 weeks from London, by whom we are favoured with the following petition, which was to have been delivered to His Majesty the 14th of July, by the Lord Mayo

New-York, Sunday 23d April, 1775. The following interesting advices, were this day received here, by two vessels from Newport, and by an express by land [The first news of the battle of Lexington and Concord] [New York, 1775].

New-York. July 25, 1774. Extract of a letter from London, by way of Philadelphia, to a gentleman in this City. "the unhappy disputes which at present subsist between Great Britain and America, fill our minds with melancholy reflections, as the m

New-York. June 3, 1734. On Tuesday last several of the principal merchants and inhabitants of this City, waited on his Excellency, and presented the following address, viz. To his Excellency William Cosby, Esq ... The humble address of the merch

Newcomb replies. Gives long record of Democratic activity - Hilton would be a dictator. Bethesda, Md. July 12, 1909.

Newcomb's democracy. Certain false and misleading statements concerning the political record of Harry T. Newcomb, candidate at the Democratic primaries for the office of State Senator, having been industriously circulated by those who seek to di

The Newport robin .... Reprinted from Bird-lore, Vol. II. No. 4. August, 1900 pp.119 by permission of The Macmillan company.

Newport, October 25, 1781. Glorious intelligence! [Announcement of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis]. Newport, Printed: New-London: Re-printed by T. Green [1781].

Newport, October 30, 1780. Just published and now selling, by Henry Barber, at the printing office near the parade, by the thousand, groce, hundred, dozen, or single, The North-American calendar; or, An almanack, for the uear of our Lord 1780 ..

News of importance to the old and young; but more particularly to the young. What is it?- It is a railroad that is injurious to the working man's interest; yes, to the farmer, the laborer and the mechanic. I do not mean through the country, but

Newspaper cuttings relating to America 1668 - 1840. Collected by William Upcott, Esq. of London, purchased from his collection, by John Romeyn Brodhead, Esq., and by him presented to the New-York historical society. Arranged under the direction

The newspaper for all classes!!! For the entertainment and instructive diversion of all classes of readers, The New York reveille has been established ... [New York. n. d.].

The next draft! All citizens of Reading, interested in a draft, are hereby invited to meet a Lyceum Hall on Saturday, June 4th, 1864 at 7 o'clock, P. M., to take such measures, as they may deem will be for their interest, to procure volunteers i

The next governor. To the people of Kentucky. [1824?]

The next meeting of the association will be held in Montreal, commencing Wednesday August 12th, 1857 ... These dues may be sent to the permanent secretary ... Cambridge, Mass. October 1st, 1856.

The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana lottery, conducted by the Spanish government, under the supervision of the Captain General of Cuba, will take place at Havana, on Thursday, May 7th, 1857. $400,000! ... Don Rodriguez. Charlest

Niagara Falls museum. Near table rock ... The museum will be open all hours through the day ... Thomas Barnet. Niagara Chronicle [n. d.

The nightingale or lines by Dr. S. Bronson, of N. Y. to Md'lle Lind, on presenting her with a book entitled The Water spout Published by S. Bronson, 70 Hamersly St. N. Y. [c.1850].

Nine month's men. The citizens of Reading, are hereby invited to meet at Lyceum Hall on Saturday, the 16th inst., at 7 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of making such arrangements as may be deemed necessary for raising our proportion of nine month's

Ninth annual convention of the National woman suffrage association at Lincoln Hall, 9th and S sts. Tuesday and Wednesday, January 16th and 17th, day and evening ... [Washington, D. C. 1883].

Union Ticket. First, second, fourth ward. For Collector, James F. Haliday, for Register, William Morgan, for Surveyor William Forsyth. [Washington, D. C., s. n 1861.]

"Union and the constitution." To the legal voters of Boston. On Monday, December 10th you are called upon the discharge the important duty of electing a mayor and other municipal officers for the ensuing year ... The candidate for mayor is Josep

"Union is strength." Free state convention! All who are favorable to union of effort, and a permanent organization of all those who desire to make Kansas a free state, and who wish to secure, upon the broadest platform, the co-operation of all t

Nixon sends GIs into Cambodia. Nixon declares all-out war on Southeast Asia. The people must act now. Mass meeting at the White House at noon on Saturday, May 9. [Washington, 1970].

[Announcement of] History of ancient Windham, Conn. Genealogy. Part 1. by William L. Weaver ... Weaver & Curtis, Willimantic Conn. [n. d.].

[Announcement of examinations for 26th February, 1868].

[Announcement of opening of Rogersville female college, Rogersville, Tenn. Sept. 15th, 1869.].

[Announcement of the Spanish declaration of war on Great Britain, printed at Norwich]. Norwich: Printed by J. Trumbull [1779].

[Announcement of the faculty, terms of tuition for Cumberland College, Princeton, Ky. July 1, 1859].

[Announcing the death of Honorable Woodrow Wilson.] By the President of the United States of America a proclamation. [Washington. 1924].

No Mercer! NO man for Congress who disregards the instructions of our Legislature! ... After such inconsistencies in Mr. Mercer, surely we cannot give him a vote; therefore we will send Mr. John Thomas to Congress; and Mr. Mercer's fine speeches

No Provincial Convention. Let us act for ourselves, and choose our old five delegates. The friends of the above measure are desired to meet at the usual places of election, at eight o'Clock in order to vote against the eleven deputies. [Pennsylv

No State Compensation for slaves. It is now conceded that emancipation in Maryland is certain. The question open is, shall it be with state compensation or without ... [n. p. 1860?].

No annexation of Texas. It having been announced by the government organ that a treaty for the annexation of Texas has been negociated and signed and will soon be presented to the Senate, the undersigned call upon the citizens of New York, witho

No contraction. Contraction of the plain legal tenders, even at the rate now authorized by law ($4,000,000 a month) is likely to work mischief. [Washington, D. C.? 1866?].

No convention. Friends, fellow-citizens and countrymen .... [Lexington?, Ky., 1798].

No man is any greater than his blood supply ... H. C. Apgar. Elizabeth. N. J. 1938.

No medicine given! Except in those cases where, on examination, it may be found necessary to prescribe certain blood remedies, which, combined with my peculiar magnetic operation, accelerate a perfect and radical cure. Dr. Henion, of New York, p

No more war. National council for reduction of armaments, 532 Seventeenth Street N. W. Washington, D. C. [1922?].

No placemen, pensioners, ministerial hirelings, popery, nor arbitrary power! To the free inhabitants of King's County. My dear Friends and countrymen! When every thing that is dear to your country, and to your selves is at stake, and when I see

No room for hate, by Edgar A. Guest. 1914.

No stamped paper to be had. [Philadelphia : Printed by Hall & Franklin, 1765]

No terms with traitors. The submission of the rebels the sole condition of peace. To the N. Y. State Democratic committee ... Gerrit Smith. Peterboro, August 13, 1861.

No. 1. Philadelphia, February 7th, 1794. Sir. I have considered the letter from the Collector of Newport inclosed in yours which I received yesterday, and the questions which he states as arising upon the provisio to the 66 of the Collection act

No. 2. 1888 Democratic evidence for Democratic workingmen. European wages. "God save American from such wages." Issued by the Republican league of the United States. [n. p. 1888].

No. 20, Court Street. Boston. January, 1868. Dear Sir: In handing you our office card, we beg to call your attention to our system for the collection and adjustment of claims in Boston and vicinity ... Stillman B. Allen.

No. 233 Washington Street, (Under the Marlboro' Hotel,) is the cheapest place in Boston, to purchase books, stationery, magazines, photograph & tintype albums, &c ... Lovering, French & Co. [[1866].

No. 3. The Dougliad. on liberty. Humbly inscribed to the Grand Jury for the City and County of New-York. [Calling for the punishment of Alexander McDougall] [New York, 1770].

(No. 35) Circular to registers and receivers. Treasury department. [Washington D. C,] February 24th, 1849.

No. 4. Statement of the quantity of spirits, molasses, coffee, cocoa and sugar of the growth, produce_c. of foreign countries exported from the United States commencing on the 1st day of October, 1814, and ending on the 30th day of September, 18

No. 48 State Street. Boston, Sept. 11, 1865. Dear Sir: The undersigned have formed a copartnership for the transaction of a strictly commission business, in the purchase and sale of stocks, bonds, gold and government securities under the style o

No. 9 Tremont Row. New boot and shoe store ... John Mansfield. Boston. J. E. Farwell & Co., Printers No. 32 Congress St. [n. d.].

No. II. Philadelphia, March 14th, 1794. Sir. I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letters of the 5th instant and have considered the question therein stated for my opinion. It is, at what time does the credit upon the duties imp

PREV........NEXT........INDEX........NEW SEARCH