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An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


An exercise in historical harmony. Twelve years to the hour, from 1608. One year to every five minutes .... Philadelphia, Pa. Girard print, 1224 N. 19th St. [1884].

An exhibition books & manuscripts of Joseph Hergesheimer in the treasure room Princeton University library from March 6 to April 6. The formal opening of the exhibition follows the gathering of friends to greet Mr. Hergesheimer at 40 Mercer Stre

An exhibition of American design. Chicago, Lakeside press. [1947].

Exhibition of arms and trophies in behalf of the metropolitan fair, in aid of the United States Sanitary Commission. To open March 28th, 1864. [New York, 1864].

Exhibition of bookes &c by and aboute the establishers of Plimoth plantation and of the Virginia Companie who set up the first representative Assembly of free men 1620 1920. In cooperation with the Comitie of the Sulgrave Institution & associate

Exhibition of the Third street select school, Friday, July 29th, 1842.

Exhibition. Public school of the first school district. Friday evening, July 30, 1847. Order of exercises.

Exhibition. The balloon and flying dragon. The devil running away with the baker, upon a brook stick [and 24 others] Admittance 25 cents. [n. p. n. d.].

Exhibition. The honour of company is requested at the exhibition in the College Chapel, on Wednesday the 31st instant, at one o'clock, P. M. Rhode-Island College. December 29 1794.

Expenditures of the town of Randolph, from April 1, 1838 to April 1, 1839 ... Randolph, March 27, 1839.

... Expenses under act for more efficient government of the rebel states. Message of the President of the United States. March 30, 1867 ... Andrew Johnson. [Washington, D. C. 1867].

Explanation of an old affair. Fellow-citizens. If you will regard with a dispassionate and intelligent eye the political aspect of this State at this moment, I think you must perceive that the affairs of the Whig party, in part at least, have re

Explanatory remarks on the Assembly's Resolves, published in the Pennsylvania Gazette, No. 1840.

The expostulations of Potowmac. As my interests were treated with great indifference in an august Assembly lately, by gentlemen, whose connexions I conceived to be under obligations to me; in duty to myself, I am let to make some observations ..

An exposure of the fallacies, falsehoods, slanders, and treasonable threats of the Greenback party leaders, by Thos. M. Nichol, Secretary of the Honest money league of the northwest. To the voters of Massachusetts ... [n. d.].

An express just arrived from General Washington. Camp at Cambridge. Oct. 24, 1775. Sir. The inclosed information being of the highest importance, I thought it proper to transmit it to you with all dispatch. I am Sir Your obedient servant George

Extra July 4, 1885.

Extra Salem Gazette, Thursday, March 28, 1793. Salem. 1793.

Extra Salt River news. New York, November 6th, 1867 Vol. 1 No. 1.

Extra Wall Street Underwriter. Synopsis of the returns filed in the Massachusetts insurance dep't by the fire insurance companies of Massachusetts and other states, doing business in Massachusetts, having a specific capital, for the year ending

Extra! Advertiser and register office 11 1/2 o'clock A.M. April 27 [1862] Particulars of affairs at New Orleans! Account of Colonel Tanner from Biloxi.

Extra! Awful riot at the capital! The arch traitor hung!! by a mob!!! ... [New York, December, 1865].

Extra! Extra! [article from The Saturday Evening Post, June 15, 1929, on the subject of broadsides, Philadelphia, 1929]

Extra. Charlottesville, Thursday, April 9, 1829. Albermarle County Court. On Tuesday, 7th inst. Messrs. C. Brigham and S. K. Head were brought before the Court to answer to the charge of E. Watts, who is a book-binder by trade and instituted thi

Extra. Courier-Office. Monday morning. Nov. 10. By an arrival at Philadelphia in 20 days from England, papers are recieved to the 7th of Oct. The Courier of the 6th Oct. 1800 contains the following paragraph " A convention of amity and commerce,

Extra. Jackson, Tenn. Sept. 6, 1862. Battle of Medon Station ... The battle of Britton's lane.

Extra. Surrender of Lee and 30,000 men. Peace in 6 days. [Philadelphia, April 9th, 1865].

Extract form the resolves of the General Court of the State of Massachusetts, passed on the 30th day of November, A. D. 1776. A resolve for amending and explaining a late act of the General assembly of this State, intitled (3z (BAn act for providing

Extract from Bishop Eastburn's address to the convention of th diocese of Massachusetts. June 12, 1844.

Extract from Jay Cooke & Co's circular of 4th of March, 1871, in explanation of the advantages of new five per cent loan.

Extract from Mr. Van Buren's letter to the Hon. Sherrod Williams ... Mr. Van Buren's letter to the Louisville Committee. Washington, April 21, 1840. [Louisville, Ky]

Extract from Mr. Van Buren's letter to the Hon. Sherrod Williams. [Washington, 1840].

Extract from a roll written by the holy and mighty angel, October 29, 1843. Copied November 11, 1843 ... Philemon Stewart. New Lebanon. N. Y. [Printed in second column on page] Circular. Further directions concerning the distribution of the sacr

Extract from a speech made by Mr. Charles Evans Hughes, former secretary of state, before the American society of international law, April 28, 1927. [New York, 1927].

Extract from an article of agreement, dated the fifteenth day of March, 1810, between James S. Ewing & Gideon H. Wells ... [Note by Gideon H. Wells] Burlington County, August 24, 1811.

Extract from circular address of Hon. Joseph Segar to the voters of the First Congressional district of Virginia, February 1862. [n. p. 1862].

Extract from the election law of Pennsylvania, 1799. [1799].

Extract from the minutes of the Board of Visitors, at their last meeting at the jail and penitentiary house .... Richmond, 12th month, December 6th, 1808.

Extract from the proceedings of the Committee of Safety and correspondence of Richland District, at a meeting held in Columbia, April 7th, 1849.

Extract from the proceedings of the President and selectmen of the city of Natchez, at their meeting on the 4th April, 1815 ... A. Campbell, City Clerk. [Natchez] J M'Curdy Pr. [1815].

Extract from the speech about Volapük: advantages and usefulness of the world-language. ... [n. p. 1897].

Extract from the speech of Genl. Benj. Harrison to the Clay County, Indiana, miners. Pittsburgh. [Reprinted from the American people of Sept. 12, 1888.].

Extract of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Whythe. Monticello. January 16, 1796. In my letter which accompanied the box containing my collection of printed laws, I promised to send you by post a statement of the contents of the box. On

Extract of a letter from Trenton, dated. Jan. 20, 1781 [Giving an account of the British intrigue with the revolted Pennsylvania line dated. Philadelphia. January 22, 1781] [Philadelphia: Printed by David C. Claypoole].

An extract of a letter from an officer of the 71st regiment to his friend at Edinburgh, giving an account of the reduction of Charlestown, in South Carolina, with the list of the killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. [June 20, 1780].

Extract of an act granting certain powers to the inhabitants of the Northern District of the township of Moyamensing. passed the twenty-sixth day of March, 1808 ... Philadelphia Printed by W. Hall, Jun. & G. W. Pierie, No. 51 Market-street [1808

An extract of the Act, entitled "An act, for the relief and protection of American seamen; passed in the fourth Congress of the United States, at the first session, begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the seventh of December, o

Extract of the proceedings of the committee of correspondence of this city [Relative to calling meetings of the citizens without approval of the committee.] [Dated] July 8th, 1774. [New York: Printed by John Holt, 1774].

Extracted from the printed votes of the last Assembly which was held in Pennsylvania, just before the present Lieutenant-Governor's arrival there, viz [Philadelphia 1754].

Extracts from "Remarks addressed to the electors of the State of New York. In the year 1792 certain affidavits made by Daniel M'Cormick and Alexander M'Comb, intended as an exculpation of the late Governor Clinton from the charge of having speci

Extracts from address of A. K. Owen, C. E., before Senate and House committees on Pacific railroads. [Washington, D. C. 1877?].

Extracts from diary of Paul Jones. Published by D. Hogan, Philadelphia 1810 ... This paper was made at the mill of L. L. Brown, North Adams, Mass. the last mill in the United States to make hand-made papers. Compliments of Hazlett, Harrison and

[Extracts from the Journal of the House of Delegates of the commonwealth of Virginia concerning Governor William H. Cabell and John Warden, Esq. Dated November 30, 1808. Richmond.]

Extracts from the minutes of the Board of Presidents of the 8th November, 1841 ... Extract from the minutes of the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, of the 15th November, 1841 ... Extract from the minutes of the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, of the 22

Extracts from the minutes of the Committee of correspondence, observation, and inspection, for the County of Lancaster, held in the Borough of Lancaster, on the first and second days of September, 1775 [Resolutions requiring the names of non-ass

Extracts from the minutes of the Committee of correspondence, observation, and inspection, for the County of Lancaster, held in the Borough of Lancaster, on the third and fourth days of August, A. D. 1775. [Resolutions calling for returns from t

Extracts from the proceedings of a meeting of conservative Republicans of Maine ... January 12, 1841.

Extracts from the prologue of The Shipwreck, a poem, comprising 160 verses by George W. Draper. [n. p. n. d.].

Extracts from the report and records of the Merrimack Bible society ... Newburyport, 1829.

... Extracts from the report of the Commissioner general of immigration for the year ending June 30, 1903.

Extracts from the votes and proceedings of the Committee of Observation for the County of Lancaster, at a meeting of the said committee held at the Court-House, in the Borough of Lancaster, on the 10th and 17th days of June, 1775. James Burd, Es

Extracts from the will of the late Charles F. Hovey, Esq ... May 30th, 1859.

Extracts received July 26th, 1862, by the Flag officer. From U. S. Consul at Bermuda, dated July 4, 1862 concerning the steamer "Lodona" ... From U. S. consul at Bermuda, dated July 7th, 1862 ... From U. S. Consul at Liverpool dated July 5th, 18

Extracts received June 18th, by the flag officer. Navy department. June 17th, 1862. The steamer Despatch sailed from Dublin about the 29th of May, and the Anglia from Liverpool on the 28th of May. The steamer Scotia, after leaving Liverpool, ret

Extrait des régistres, des audiances du Conseil Supérieur, de la Province de la Loüisianne. Du 7. May 1765. Entre l'abbé de l'isle dieu, vicaire Général du diocèse de Québec, & de cette Province, Demandeur en requête, le procureur Général du Roi

Extraordinary decision in the case of a claim on Mexico ... Wm, Richardson. [n. p., n. d.].

Extraordinary discovery by J. H. Whitehurst Photographs in oil colors on canvas, life size. Washington: H. Polkinhorn's steam job press, D St. near 7th [n. d.].

Extraordinary inducements! In order to raise money in a short time to meet some of our engagements, we commence from this day forth to offer our large and well-assorted stock of hats, caps and gentlemen's furnishing goods at greatly reduced pric

Extraordinary millennial announcement "St. Tammany Pedomist Zingari" reconstructionists ... Abel Moses, Grand secretary national association, U. S. Head Quarters Sal Del Rey, Hidalgo Co. Texas. Cross-Mass, 1866.

Eye and ear. capital surgery and chronic diseases. [Advertisement] Johannes A. Jones. M. D. New York City. [c. 1862].

"If I am elected to the high office for which your partiality has nominated me, I will endeavor to administer the government according to the true spirit of the constitution, as it was understood by the great men who framed and adopted it, and i

"If you be my honey sucker" ... Copyright April 22, 1937 by J. Burk Williams. [Seattle, Washington, Thompson printing co. 1939].

F. W. S. speech, Sunday. Oct. 11 [n. d.].

A fable ... Harrison & Morton are in favor of a protective tariff in its fullest sense. President Cleveland is not! Consult your own interests and choose between them ... H. K. Thurber. [n. p. 1888].

The fabulous Maecenas ... James Johnson.

Fac-simile of Major Andre's miniature, drawn by himself, October 1, 1780, the day preceding his execution. Taken from the original in Trumbull Gallery, Yale College. Certificate. The above copy of the original portrait of Major Andre, by himself

Facsimile of the expunged resolution of the U. S. Senate, as it appears in the record of the Senate of March 28, 1834. [Washington, D. C. 1837].

Facsimile of the first time table of the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad forerunner of the Great Northern Railway. [n. d.].

A fact. About this time last year, whilst I was working in the employ of Mr. J. T. Towers, a conversation occurred between Mr. Lenox and myself to this effect ... I replied that my day's work was done, that we worked on the ten hour system ... R

A factory operative's appeal, to the President of the United States. Respectfully dedicated to all our fellow operatives engaged in the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods throughout the union by William Forster, of Fall River, Mass. [c. 1869

Facts about the National woman's party, National headquarters Capitol Hill, Washington, D. C. .... [Washington, D. C. 1922].

Facts about the famine ... New York, March 7, 1867.

Facts for Livingston County Democrats. County convention of the Livingston County Democrats. [1886].

Facts for government bondholders. and the holders of greenbacks. Read, reflect and hand to your neighbor. [n. p. 1867].

Facts for reflecting men of all parties. For the National Intelligencer of May 1831. The business of Kentucky and the bank ... Extract from the address of Gen. Ashley, (a Jackson man,) of Missouri, to his constituents ... Extracts from Mr. McDuf

Facts for the people. Gen. Hayes a salary grabber. He gets $5,500 more than he agreed to serve his constituents for. Governor Hayes deprives Ohio of a part of its representation in Congress .... [1875?].

Facts for the people. Who are the amalgamationists? Who commenced the war? Who is responsible for the war? Read the following facts? ... A short catechism on negro equality ... Johnstown Tribune. [1863?].

Facts for the workingmen! As told by Hon. James G. Blaine, at his reception by the Young men's Republican club at the Brooklyn Grand opera house, October 30th, 1884 ... Issued by Young men's Republican club of Kings Co, Campaign 1884. [New York?

Facts for workingmen. Document No. 9.

Facts for workingmen. More has been done in the interest of labor, by legislation, in the state of New York, within the past two years, than was ever done before in the history of the state ... Vote for Grover Cleveland for the presidency ... [n

Facts of interest to the disabled soldier or sailor ... Poster issued and distributed by the Red Cross institute for crippled and disabled men, New York [1918].

Fair & festival in aid of the building fund of the Christian union association, of Iona, N. J., commencing December 24th, 1873 and lasting until Jan 2nd, 1874,,, Vineland, N. J. Weekly steam print. [1873].

Fair at Mechanics' Hall. A fair in aid of the anti-slavery cause, will be held at the above Hall, commencing to-morrow, (Friday) Morning at 10 o'clock, and will remain open until 10 o'clock on Saturday evening ... December 30, 1841.

Fair at Music Hall, Feb. 12, 13, 14, 1861. for the benefit of the Tremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church ... [Boston] Febuary 5, 1861.

Fair play on both sides. Mr. Wickliffe pleads the statute too!!! [Kentucky] August 5, 1822.

A fair will be held in connection with the anti-slavery meetings of this place, on A large assortment of fancy and useful articles will be offered for sale, the proceeds of which will be given to the anti-slavery cause. [185-?].

Fairland, May 28th, 1800. Dear Sir. Believing that it will be agreeable to you to receive some account of the most important business which has been acted upon during the late session of Congress ... I employ the first leisure after my return ho

Faith ... Gabriel Wells. Christmas, 1938.

Fall into line! William Oland Bourne. New York, 1880.

The fall of man. [8 verses of poetry] Harrisburg, printed and sold by J. S. Wiestling, 1818.

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