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Hurricane Ike Resource Page

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Committee on Homeland Security wants to ensure that those affected by Hurricane Ike receive up to date and pertinent information concerning federal assistance and emergency response. The following are some answers of frequently asked questions that victims may have. We will be continually updating this list.

Q: My house has been damaged as a result of Hurricane Ike. Who do I contact?

A: If your house has been damaged, you can call 1.800.621.FEMA (3362)

Q: If I have a homeowner’s insurance policy and my home has suffered damage as a result of Hurricane Ike, can I still receive assistance from FEMA?

A: If eligible, FEMA may help provide coverage for whatever your policy does not. Call 1.800.621.FEMA (3362) for more information.

Q: If I am unable to find a family member, who do I contact?

A: For those directly affected by the disaster, registering on the Safe and Well Web site allows them to let loved ones to know that they are safe. The site is accessible at If internet access is not possible, they can call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) to register and follow the prompts for disaster information.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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