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Antitrust Division

Speeches by
Thomas O. Barnett

Assistant Attorney General

  • Current Issues in Merger Enforcement: Thoughts on Theory, Litigation Practice, and Retrospectives (06/26/2008)

  • Competition Enforcement in an Innovative Economy (06/20/2008)

  • Section 2 Remedies: What to Do After Catching the Tiger by the Tail (06/04/2008)

  • Perspectives on Cartel Enforcement in the United States and Brazil (04/28/2008)

  • Antitrust Update: Supreme Court Decisions, Global Developments, and Recent Enforcement (02/29/2008)

  • Remarks at the Bundeskartellamt Ceremony Celebrating Fifty Years of the German Competition Act (01/15/2008)

  • Competition Law and Policy Modernization: Lessons from the U.S. Common-Law Experience (11/16/2007)

  • Maximizing Welfare Through Technological Innovation (10/31/2007)

  • Section 2 Remedies: A Necessary Challenge (09/28/2007)

  • Global Antitrust Enforcement (09/26/2007)

  • The ICN Merger Working Group: Setting the Stage for Convergence (05/31/2007)

  • Recent Developments in Antitrust and Intellectual Property Law (05/16/2007)

  • Merger Review: A Quest for Efficiency (01/25/2007)

  • Criminal Enforcement of Antitrust Laws: The U.S. Model (09/14/2006)

  • Interoperability Between Antitrust and Intellectual Property (09/13/2006)

  • The Gales of Creative Destruction: The Need for Clear and Objective Standards for Enforcing Section 2 of the Sherman Act (06/20/2006)

  • Seven Steps to Better Cartel Enforcement (06/02/2006)

  • Merger Work in the ICN: The Challenge of Substantive Convergence (05/03/2006)

  • Antitrust Enforcement Priorities: A Year in Review (11/19/2004)

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