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Jul 14, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for
H.R. 5959 - Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 Listed in Alphabetical Order

July 15, 2008 1:00 PM
*select the name of the amendment sponsor to retrieve amendment text in .pdf format.


Blunt (MO)


Would express the sense of Congress that (1) the defeat of Colombian paramilitary organizations is in the national interest of the United States; (2) the recent rescue of hostages held by the FARC demonstrates the professionalism of Colombian forces; (3) U.S. intelligence and other assistance played a key role in developing and reinforcing Colombian capabilities; and (4) it is critical that U.S. assistance to the Government of Colombia continue.

Castle (DE)/Shays (CT)


Would express a sense of Congress that beginning with the 111th Congress, the House and Senate should implement the 9/11 Commission's specific recommendations for congressional oversight of intelligence by establishing either an appropriations subcommittee on intelligence, establishing a joint committee on intelligence, or establishing House and Senate committees on intelligence with authorizing and appropriating authority.

Flake (AZ)


Would provide that no funds authorized may be used for the National Drug Intelligence Center .

Harman (CA)/Ehlers (MI)


Would express the sense of Congress that the Director of National Intelligence should work with other government agencies and the aerospace industry to develop and implement policies to sustain and expand the aerospace industry workforce.

Hensarling (TX)


Would repeal section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act, 42 U.S.C. section 17142 (regarding procurement of alternative fuels).

Hinchey (NY)


Would instruct the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency to submit a report on the activities of the intelligence community with regard to human rights violations of the Argentine military government from the mid-1970's until the mid-1980's.  The amendment also instructs the inclusion of a compilation of declassified documents and consents to the inclusion of a classified annex in the report.

Hoekstra (MI)


Would prohibit the use of funds to rescind a determination by the Secretary of State related to as a state sponsor of terrorism under the Export Administration Act, the Arms Export Control Act, or the Foreign Assistance Act.

Hoekstra (MI)


Would bar the use of funds to prohibit or discourage the use of the phrases "jihadist," "jihad," "Islamo-fascism," "caliphate," "Islamist," or "Islamic terrorist" within the Intelligence Community or the Federal Government.

Hoekstra (MI)


Would prohibit funds from being used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer or release of a detainee held at Guantanamo Bay on the date of the enactment of this Act to or within the United States.

Holt (NJ)


Would require the Director of National Intelligence to inform all holders of the October 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on ’s nuclear program of any new intelligence on ’s nuclear program that has emerged since the publication of the NIE.

Holt (NJ)


(WITHDRAWN) Would require the Director of National Intelligence to provide a briefing to the House and Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees on Iran’s ability to disrupt oil production and transshipment in the Persian Gulf region in the event of a war between the United States and Iran, as well as the impact of such a war on the global economy and the stability of the governments of key U.S. allies in the Persian Gulf region.

Holt (NJ)


Would require the Comptroller General of the to conduct a review of available information to determine if there is any credible evidence of a connection between a foreign entity and the 2001 anthrax attacks on the .  The report shall be submitted to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Judiciary Committees, Homeland Security Committees, and Foreign Affairs Committees.

Holt (NJ)


(REVISED) Would modify the National Security Act of 1947 to provide administrative penalties, up to and including termination, for any officer or employee of an intelligence community element who retaliates against an intelligence employee or contractor who discloses covered information to an authorized Member of Congress or the relevant Inspector General.  Covered information is information believed to be evidence of a violation of any law, rule, or regulation or of gross mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse, or a substantial danger to public health.  Authorized Members of Congress are, (1) with respect to information on intelligence sources and methods, members of the intelligence committees or other committees to which the information is customarily provided; (2) with respect to special access programs, members of the defense committees; (3) for other information, members of the House or Senate Intelligence or Homeland Security Committees or other committee with oversight over the program.

Kirk (IL)


Would require the Director of National Intelligence to submit to Congress a National Intelligence Estimate on the production and sale of narcotics in support of international terrorism, including the support the Taliban and al Qaeda receive from the sale of narcotics and the shift in production from opium to hashish in .

Lee (CA)


Would provide that no funds authorized may be used to support or maintain a covert action intended to undermine or overthrow a government of a member nation of the United Nations.

Reyes (TX)/Murphy, Patrick(PA)


(REVISED) Would add an exception to the alternative fuel procurement requirement, clarifying that the bill does not prohibit an element of the intelligence community from entering into a contract to purchase a generally available fuel that is not an alternative or synthetic fuel or predominantly produced from a nonconventional petroleum source when certain requirements are met.  It also would add an assessment of the feasibility of employing foreign nationals lawfully present in the who have previously worked as translators for the Armed Forces or another department or agency of the Federal Government in or to meet the critical language needs of such element.  Finally, it would require that the report required in section 412 on intelligence resources dedicated to and include resources dedicated to intelligence analysis.

Roskam (IL)


Would authorize the Secretary of Energy to enter into loan and profit sharing agreements for qualifying coal-to-liquid projects.  Qualifying projects include a commercial-scale project that converts coal or a petroleum refinery waste product to a liquid or gaseous transportation fuel.

Schakowsky (IL)


(WITHDRAWN) Would prohibit the Central Intelligence Agency from entering into contracts or renewing contracts with contractors that have been delinquent on federal taxes, are under criminal investigation, or have been involved in criminal activity.

Shays (CT)


Would require the President and Archivist to disclose for each fiscal year after fiscal year 2008 the aggregate amount of appropriations requested in the budget for intelligence spending and intelligence-related activities of the Federal Government.

Welch (VT)


(WITHDRAWN) Would instruct the Director of National Intelligence to assess the feasibility of employing resettled Iraqi and Afghan interpreters to meet critical language needs identified in its report on foreign language proficiency.