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Jun 24, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for

H.R. 6052 - Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act of 2008


Listed in Alphabetical Order

June 25, 2008 3:25 PM

*select the name of the amendment sponsor to retrieve amendment text in .pdf format.


Blumenauer (OR)


Would provide funding to states to support community investments in transportation alternatives and travel demand management strategies, including carpool or telecommuting projects, upgrades to streets to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian use, transportation improvements to reduce congestion, and participation in car-sharing and bike sharing programs.  The Secretary of Transportation should work with the EPA as necessary.  It includes a sense of Congress that Federal agencies should participate in transportation management associations.

Blumenauer (OR)


(WITHDRAWN) Would require the Transportation Secretary to carry out consumer awareness programs on the benefits of alternative transportation.  The Secretary would dispense grants to State and local governments, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and universities and school districts to promote alternative transportation options that help consumers save fuel and transportation costs.  Grants would support carpooling and vanpooling programs, government websites where consumers can obtain this information, and background materials for employers to assist their employees with these programs.

Blumenauer (OR)


Would amend the Safe Routes to Schools program (authorized under SAFETEA-LU to build infrastructure, support outreach, and teach safety to students) to expand it from primary and middle schools to include high schools.

Blumenauer (OR)


Would determine project effectiveness of community transit grants under title 49, United States Code, by emphasizing the decrease in vehicle miles traveled, density along the corridor served, and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions as a result of building such projects.

Davis, Tom (VA)/McGovern(MA)


Amends section 5 (transportation fringe benefits) to authorize increasing the transit portion of the transportation fringe benefit so it is equal to the maximum limit of the parking portion of the transportation fringe benefit.

DeFazio (OR)


Would amend section 3 (grants to improve public transportation service) to provide that the $1.7 billion authorized in the bill can be made available from an emergency allocation from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund.

Flake (AZ)


Would prohibit funds appropriated under the bill from being used for congressional earmarks as defined by clause 9(d) of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives.

Hodes (NH)


(REVISED)  Would allow funds authorized in section 3 of the bill (regarding grants to improve public transportation services) to be used by states to establish or expand commuter matching programs, or any other programs to use alternatives to  encourage commuters to use alternatives to single occupancy vehicles.

Jackson-Lee (TX)


(WITHDRAWN)  Would add a finding that public transportation stakeholders should engage local communities (1) in the education of the importance of using public transportation to cities and counties; and (2) in the planning and development of transportation routing lines.

King, Steve (IA)


Would add a finding that Congress recognizes the hardships of providing a viable public transportation system in rural areas where distances between destinations are great and, in order to not adversely affect rural residents, Congress should open access to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for petroleum exploration.

King, Steve (IA)


Would add a finding that, since some city buses, such as those operated by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, can use clean natural gas, and in order to keep prices affordable to riders of those buses and consumers of natural gas, Congress should open more access to natural gas production in the outer continental shelf.

King, Steve (IA)


Would amend section 3 (grants to improve public transportation service) to provide that the Secretary of Transportation may make grants under title 49, United States Code, only for highway restoration in areas damaged by floods, where such floods occurred after the beginning of fiscal year 2009.

Mahoney (FL)


Would provide an exception to section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (regarding procurement and acquisition of alternative fuels) by exempting contracts for generally available fuels that are not predominantly produced from nonconventional petroleum sources if (1) the contract does not require the contractor to provide alternative fuels, (2) the purpose of the contract is not to obtain an alternative fuel, and (3) the contract does not provide incentives for a refinery upgrade or expansion to allow a refinery to use or increase its use of fuel from a nonconventional petroleum source.

McDermott (WA)


Would amend section 3 (grants to improve public transportation service) to require that grant recipients, to the maximum extent practicable, use funds to assist low-income individuals and individuals who are unemployed in accessing public transportation, require grant recipients to report to the Secretary on what they have done to increase accessibility for low-income individuals and individuals who are unemployed, and require the Secretary to report to Congress on the feasibility of implementing a public transportation program modeled after the Food Stamp Program.

McGovern (MA)


(WITHDRAWN) Amends section 5 (transportation fringe benefits) to authorize increasing the transit portion of the transportation fringe benefit so it is equal to the maximum limit of the parking portion of the transportation fringe benefit.

Oberstar (MN)


(REVISED)  Would add a finding that public transportation stakeholders should engage local communities in promoting the importance of using public transportation.  It would amend section 3 (grants to improve public transportation services) to clarify that transit agencies may use these new grants to offset the increased cost of fuel to transit agencies.  It also clarifies that intercity bus service and acquiring facilities or equipment to improve fuel efficiency are eligible activities under the bill.  It would require the Transportation Secretary to carry out consumer awareness programs on the benefits of alternative transportation.

Reichert (WA)


Would amend section 7 (federal share for fixed guideway stations) to create a 100% Federal share for park-and-ride lots that serve fixed route commuter bus routes of more than 20 miles in length.

Sarbanes (MD)


Would amend section 5 (transportation fringe benefits) to provide that, in awarding a contract for the procurement of goods or services, a Federal department or agency shall give preference to a prospective contractor if the contractor agrees to offer transit pass transportation fringe benefits to its employees in carrying out its contract.  It requires the Administrator of the General Services Administration and the Defense Secretary to issue guidance to implement this provision.

Shea-Porter (NH)


(WITHDRAWN) Would require the Transportation Secretary to conduct two studies: one in conjunction with the Energy Secretary regarding the most energy-efficient and cost-effective public transportation solutions for rural and suburban communities; and the other in conjunction with the Housing and Urban Development Secretary on the costs and benefits of coordinating public transportation planning with the development of low-income and affordable housing and the impact of the availability of public transportation systems on these developments and their residents.

Welch (VT)


(WITHDRAWN) Would amend section 3 (grants to improve public transportation services) to add retrofitting public transportation equipment or facilities to improve efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the list of purposes for funds.

Whitfield (KY)


Would amend section 3 (grants to improve public transportation services) to allow a grant recipient to partner with a local transit authority to study the feasibility and possible effectiveness of converting coal to diesel for public transportation needs.