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Jun 16, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for

H.R. 5876 - Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2008


Listed in Alphabetical Order

June 17, 2008 3:56 PM

*select the name of the amendment sponsor to retrieve amendment text in .pdf format.


Bishop, Rob (UT)


(REVISED) Provides that for any requirement where States must publicly report cases of abuse and neglect those reports must be adjudicated reports of abuse and neglect.

Flake (AZ)


Prohibits funds appropriated under the bill to be used for congressional earmarks as defined by clause 9(d) of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives.

Foxx (NC)


Strikes the private right of action in the bill.

Matheson (UT)


(WITHDRAWN) Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a study across therapeutic programs and geographic regions to examine the outcomes of individuals participating in such programs.

McKeon (CA)


(WITHDRAWN) Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute.  Amendment in the nature of a substitute that utilizes the existing Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment State grant system to require States to establish a system of standards and monitoring for residential treatment programs. 

McKeon (CA)


(WITHDRAWN) Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to convene an expert panel to make recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families on the development and implementation of minimum federal standards for covered programs.

Miller, George (CA)/McKeon(CA)


(REVISED) Makes two changes to the definition of “covered program.”  It strikes the exclusion of psychiatric residential treatment facilities and the exclusion of foster care group homes.  The amendment also requires the Secretary to report to Congress on the activities of the national toll-free hotline.

Price, Tom (GA)


Caps attorneys’ fees in an amount not to exceed $1,000 per hour.

Price, Tom (GA)


Reduces authorized spending by one percent; prohibits funds that are appropriated to be obligated or expended for a congressional earmark; prohibits funds from going to covered programs that are in violation of the Act’s standards.

Rothman (NJ)


(WITHDRAWN) Ensures that parents of children who participate in such a program are notified of any reports of child abuse or neglect, reports of violations of health and safety standards or State licensing standards immediately to the maximum extent practical, and no later than 48 hours.  In addition, this amendment would require the cause of death be listed along with incidence of death in the public online database.

Shea-Porter (NH)


(REVISED) Requires that programs have policies in place for ensuring that any changes to a child’s medication are made in consultation with a qualified medical professional.