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May 06, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for

H.R. 5818 - Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008

*select the name of the amendment sponsor to retrieve amendment text in .pdf format


Listed in Alphabetical Order

May 06, 2008 11:20 AM


Altmire (PA)


The amendment clarifies that illegal immigrants shall be ineligible for financial assistance under the bill.

Brown-Waite (FL)


The amendment prohibits the use of funds for purchase of property owned by individuals not lawfully present in the United States.  It also prohibits any foreclosed housing or dwelling unit purchased with funds under this bill to be used by individuals not lawfully present in the United States.  The amendment further clarifies that acceptable forms of identification only include a Social Security card with a photo ID, or Real ID Act identification, a US passport, or USCIS Photo ID Card.

Capito (WV)


The amendment directs the funds to be administered through the Office of Community Planning and Development of the Department of Housing and Urban Development rather than directing the Secretary to create a new program within the Department.

Capuano (MA)/Ellison (MN)/McCarthy (NY)


(WITHDRAWN) The amendment extends Section 8 tenant protections to any qualified foreclosed housing without preempting State or local laws which provide additional tenant protections.

Flake (AZ)


The amendment would prohibit loan and grant programs created by this act from being used for Congressional earmarks.

Hensarling (TX)


The amendment would strike all references in the bill to providing grants to states, but leave the underlying loan program intact.  Money from the grant portion of the bill ($7.5 billion) would be re-directed to the loan portion (for a total of $15 billion in loans).

Hensarling (TX)


The amendment would require that states provide a dollar-for-dollar match for all funds that they receive under the bill in the form of grants.

Jackson-Lee (TX)


(REVISED) The amendment provides preference, in the sale of any qualified foreclosed housing acquired using any amounts from a grant or loan under this Act, and in the rental of any dwelling units in such housing, to individuals and families having credit ratings or histories that are less than that required for the most-advantageous lending terms or indicate that they are higher-risk borrowers.

King, Steve (IA)


Requires verification of immigration status for all individuals purchasing or leasing units utilized by funds authorized to be appropriated under this act. Only individuals determined to be lawfully present in the United States by the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program (SAVE program) of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security will qualify.

Kucinich (OH)


The amendment modifies the purposes of the legislation to emphasize the increasing rates of vacant and abandoned properties, and changes the state-to-local jurisdiction funding formula to ensure that up-to-date vacancy statistics are used to allocate the funds.

Mahoney (FL)


The amendment clarifies that nothing in this Act shall affect the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

McCarthy (NY)/Ellison (MN)


(WITHDRAWN) The amendment extends tenant protections to renters who live in properties that are foreclosed upon.

McCotter (MI)


The amendment directs States using federal loans and grants for housing rehabilitation to give priority to veterans, members of the Armed Forces on active duty, members of the National Guard or Armed Forces reserves, school teachers, and emergency responders when reselling the rehabilitated property.

Price, Tom (GA)


The amendment requires offsets for all new spending.

Rohrabacher (CA)



The amendment defines a qualified tenant under Section 8 of the bill to exclude any tenant who is neither a citizen of the United States nor an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residency.

Waters (CA)/Frank (MA)


The amendment provides for direct allocations to qualified metropolitan cities and qualified urban counties, makes the definition of operating expenses consistent with other HUD programs, and caps purchase price under the loan program at the current appraised value of the foreclosed property.