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Apr 07, 2008

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for

H.R. 2016 - National Landscape Conservation System Act


Listed in Alphabetical Order

April 08, 2008 2:43 PM


Altmire (PA)/Carney (PA)


The amendment provides that the bill does not in any way limit access for hunting, fishing, trapping or recreational shooting on the 27 million acres administered by the Bureau of Land Management.  It also provides that H.R. 2016 does not in any way infringe on a state’s right to manage, control or regulate its hunting, fishing, trapping and recreational shooting activities on these lands.

Arcuri (NY)


(WITHDRAWN) The amendment prevents the Secretary of the Interior from using any FY08 funds pursuant to PL 110-161 to take any land into trust for the benefit of the Oneida Nation of New York or for any member of that tribe.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that Bureau of Land Management lands not included in the National Landscape Conservation System revert back to the State in which they are located.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that the National Landscape Conservation System shall be exempt from the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment directs the Secretary of the Interior not to include private property within the National Landscape Conservation System without written consent of the owner.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment strikes the preamble to the establishment of the National Landscape Conservation System.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System shall not hinder border security.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment ensures that the National Landscape Conservation System will be managed so that there is no net loss of off-highway recreation areas and boating access facilities.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


(REVISED)  The amendment ensures that the National Landscape Conservation System will be managed so as to ensure no net loss of firearm shooting ranges and off-range shooting opportunities within the System.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment strikes Section 3(c)(2) and inserts language directing the Interior Secretary to manage the system in accordance with each applicable law (including regulations) relating to each component of the system included under subsection (b).

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System shall not hinder border security or enforcement of illegal immigration.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that existing multiple uses on Bureau of Land Management land included in the National Landscape Conservation System remain a high value of the System.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment directs the Secretary of the Interior to ensure that hunting, fishing, recreational shooting and other existing uses remain a purpose and use of Bureau of Land Management lands included in the National Landscape Conservation System.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that all resident fish and wildlife in the National Landscape Conservation System are managed by State and local fish and game officials under State and local laws.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment exempts wilderness areas which do not meet Bureau of Land Management criteria from inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System. 

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System does not additionally restrict or hinder energy development within the System.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


The amendment provides that hunting, fishing, and trapping shall be permitted to the maximum extent practicable on federal lands within the National Landscape Conservation System and requires in an emergency situation consultation with State fish and wildlife agencies before putting into effect any regulations in these areas.

Cannon (UT)


The amendment directs the Secretary of the Interior not to include any counties in the National Landscape Conservation System if the county formally asks not to be included.

Cannon (UT)


The amendment provides that the National Landscape Conservation System Act does not create an independent federal legal cause of action based on inclusion in the System.

Flake (AZ)


The amendment provides that the codification of this National Landscape Conservation System does not authorize additional appropriations for the System.

Fossella (NY)


The amendment adds a new title at the end of the bill consisting of the text of the Senate version of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Grijalva (AZ)


The amendment reiterates that nothing in the bill shall impede efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to secure the borders of the United States.

Pearce (NM)


The amendment requires that the Payment in Lieu of Taxes program for Bureau of Land Management lands be fully funded at authorized levels before any funds may be expended for Bureau lands included in the National Landscape Conservation System.

Pearce (NM)


The amendment provides that inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System does not affect existing grazing rights or operations on those Bureau of Land Management Lands.

Pearce (NM)


The amendment strikes wilderness study areas from the National Landscape Conservation System and blocks any future wilderness study areas designated by Congress from inclusion in the system.

Pearce (NM)


The amendment provides that inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System will not affect the eligibility for wind and solar alternative energy development.

Walden (OR)


The amendment strikes the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Act of 2000 (PL 106-399) from the bill.

Young, Don (AK)


The amendment provides that inclusion in the National Landscape Conservation System does not affect reserved mineral rights, or oil and gas leasing, exploration, development and production.