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Thompson Responds to Mumbai Bombings

Congressman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement regarding the train bombings in Mumbai, India:

“I am shocked and saddened by the recent bombings in India. Yet again, innocent civilians have been killed and wounded by terrorist attacks on a major rail system. This horrific attack only furthers the call for Congress to take immediate action to secure our nation’s vulnerable rail and public transportation systems.

“This attack follows a long line of attacks on the world’s rail and public transportation systems. Only last week, we marked the first anniversary of the London bombings. Earlier this year, we marked the second anniversary of the Madrid bombings. Despite these attacks, the Bush Administration has failed to produce a comprehensive strategy to secure America’s rail and public transportation systems.

“To close these security gaps, I have introduced the Rail and Public Transportation Security Act of 2006.

“First, this bill requires a National Rail and Public Transportation Security Plan. Second, the bill requires rail and public transportation systems to submit vulnerability assessments and security plans for approval. Third, the bill requires rail and public transportation systems to train their employees on how to prevent, prepare for, and respond to a terrorist attack. Finally, the bill provides the resources and manpower needed to truly increase security. This bill provides genuine solutions to the security threats faced by rail and public transportation systems.

“These security threats, as demonstrated yet again today, are real and I call upon my colleagues in the House and Senate to pass rail and public transportation legislation to ensure the security of our systems”, said Rep. Thompson.

Please contact Dena Graziano or Todd Levett at (202) 226-2616.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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