
district of california

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Royce Discusses AIG Bailout
Sep 19, 2008  - Royce discussed the bailout for AIG and reiterated the need for an optional federal charter for insurance during Bloomberg's Evening Edition. Watch

Royce Addresses Skyrocketing Gas Prices on House floor
Sep 15, 2008  - Royce addressed skyrocketing gas prices on the House floor today. Watch

Royce Pushes for Solutions to Lower Gas Prices
Aug 21, 2008  - Rep. Ed Royce joined his Republican colleagues to urge the Democrat Leadership to bring the House back to session to address the current energy crisis by bringing the American Energy Act to a vote. Watch

Royce Appears on Brit Hume
Jul 24, 2008  - Brit Hume's segment on the $300 billion bailout passing the House highlights Royce's argument on the House floor. Watch

Royce Opposes 300 Billion Bailout
Jul 23, 2008  - On the House floor Rep. Royce expressed his opposition to "the Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008" which rewards radical organizations and loads risk onto the backs of the American taxpayers. Watch

Royce Discusses Immigration with Lou Dobbs
Jul 21, 2008  - Royce appeared on Lou Dobbs to discuss the President's decision to end the successful program Operation Jump Start. Watch

Anti-Stalking Speech
May 14, 2008  - Anti-Stalking Speech Watch

U.S. Partnership with Korea
May 14, 2008  - U.S. Partnership with Korea Watch

FISA Floor Speech
May 12, 2008  - FISA Floor Speech Watch

CSUF Celebrates 50 Years
Apr 25, 2008  - Royce Recognizes CSUF's 50th Anniversary Watch

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