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Historical Subcommittee Membership

The following are the official House Armed Services Subcommittee assignments for the 107th – 109th Congresses:

109th Congress

Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee



Mr. Weldon, Chairman

Mr. Abercrombie, Ranking Member

Mr. McKeon, Ranking Member*

Mr. Skelton

Mr. Gibbons

Mr. Spratt

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Ortiz

Mr. LoBiondo

Mr. Evans

Mr. Bradley

Mr. Smith

Mr. Turner

Mr. McIntyre

Mr. Conaway

Mr. Brady

Mr. Everett

Mr. Israel

Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Cooper

Mr. Jones

Mr. Meek

Mr. Ryun (KS)

Mr. Ryan (OH)

Mr. Akin

Mr. Butterfield

Mr. Forbes

Mr. Boren

Mr. Wilson (SC)

Mr. Shuster

Mr. Bilbray**

Readiness Subcommittee



Mr. Hefley, Chairman

Mr. Ortiz, Ranking Member

Mr. Hostettler, Vice Chairman

Mr. Evans

Mr. Jones

Mr. Taylor

Mr. Ryun (KS)

Mr. Abercrombie

Mr. Forbes

Mr. Reyes

Mr. Miller (FL)

Dr. Snyder

Mr. Rogers

Mr. Brady

Mr. Schwarz

Ms. Davis (CA)

Mrs. McMorris Rodgers

Mr. Marshall

Mr. McHugh

Mr. Meek

Mr. McKeon*

Ms. Bordallo

Mr. Hayes

Mr. Ryan (OH)

Mr. Simmons

Mr. Udall

Mr. Bradley

Mr. Butterfield

Mrs. Miller (MI)

Mr. Franks

Mr. Bilbray**







Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee



Mr. Saxton, Chairman

Mr. Meehan, Ranking Member

Mr. Hayes, Vice Chairman

Mr. Smith

Mr. Akin

Mr. McIntyre

Mr. Wilson (SC)

Ms. Tauscher

Mr. Kline

Mr. Andrews

Mr. Shuster

Mr. Langevin

Mr. Davis (KY)

Mr. Larsen

Mr. Hefley

Mr. Cooper

Mr. Thornberry

Mr. Marshall

Mr. Gibbons

Ms. McKinney

Mr. Miller (FL)

Mr. LoBiondo


Military Personnel Subcommittee



Mr. McHugh, Chairman

Dr. Snyder, Ranking Member

Mrs. Davis (VA)

Mr. Meehan

Mr. Kline

Ms. Sanchez

Mrs. Drake, Vice Chairman

Mr. Andrews

Mr. Conaway

Ms. Davis (CA)

Mr. Saxton

Mr. Udall

Mr. Jones

Ms. McKinney

Mr. Ryun (KS)

Mr. Hayes


Strategic Forces Subcommittee



Mr. Everett, Chairman

Mr. Reyes, Ranking Member

Mr. Thornberry, Vice Chairman

Mr. Spratt

Mr. Franks

Ms. Sanchez

Mr. Turner

Ms. Tauscher

Mr. Rogers

Mr. Larsen

Mr. Schwarz

Mr. Cooper

Mrs. McMorris Rodgers

Mr. Davis (KY)


Projection Forces Subcommittee



Mr. Bartlett, Chairman

Mr. Taylor, Ranking Member

Mr. Simmons, Vice Chairman

Ms. Tauscher

Mrs. Davis (VA)

Mr. Langevin

Mrs. Miller (MI)

Mr. Israel

Mrs. Drake

Mr. Marshall

Mr. Weldon

Ms. Bordallo

Mr. Saxton

Mr. Boren

Mr. Hostettler

Mr. Calvert

* Mr. McKeon took a leave of absence from the committee effective June 29, 2006
** Mr. Bilbray was elected to the committee on June 29, 2006.



108th Congress

Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee



Mr. Weldon, Chairman

Mr. Abercrombie, Ranking Member

Mr. Gibbons

Mr. Skelton

Mr. Akin

Mr. Spratt

Mr. Bradley

Mr. Ortiz

Mr. Turner (OH)

Mr. Evans

Dr. Gingrey, Vice Chairman

Mr. Turner (TX)

Mr. Everett

Mr. Smith

Mr. McKeon

Mr. McIntyre

Mr. Jones

Mr. Brady

Mr. Ryun (KS)

Mr. Larson (CT)

Mr. Simmons

Mr. Israel

Mr. Schrock

Mr. Cooper

Mr. Forbes

Mr. Meek

Mr. Hefley

Mr. Alexander*

Mr. Wilson (SC)

Mr. Stenholm**

Mr. LoBiondo


* Mr. Alexander left the committee on August 9, 2004.
** Mr. Stenholm was assigned to the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee on September 15, 2004.

Readiness Subcommittee



Mr. Hefley, Chairman

Mr. Ortiz, Ranking Member

Mr. McKeon

Mr. Evans

Mr. Jones

Mr. Abercrombie

Mr. Ryun (KS)

Mr. Reyes

Mr. Hayes

Dr. Snyder

Mrs. Wilson (NM)

Mr. Rodriguez

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Brady

Mr. Forbes

Mr. Hill

Mr. Miller (FL)

Mr. Larson (CT)

Mr. Cole

Ms. Davis (CA)

Mr. Bishop

Mr. Larsen (WA)

Mrs. Miller (MI)

Mr. Marshall

Mr. Rogers, Vice Chairman

Ms. Bordallo

Mr. Franks

Mr. McHugh


Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee



Mr. Saxton, Chairman

Mr. Meehan, Ranking Member

Mr. Wilson (SC)

Mr. Turner (TX)

Mr. LoBiondo

Mr. Smith

Mr. Kline

Mr. McIntyre

Mr. Miller (FL)

Mr. Rodriguez

Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Hill

Mr. Thornberry

Ms. Davis (CA)

Mr. Gibbons

Mr. Langevin

Mr. Hayes, Vice Chairman

Mr. Larsen (WA)

Mrs. Davis (VA)

Mr. Cooper

Mr. Akin

Mr. Hefley


Total Force Subcommittee



Mr. McHugh, Chairman

Dr. Snyder, Ranking Member

Mr. Cole, Vice Chairman

Mr. Meehan

Dr. Gingrey

Ms. Sanchez

Mrs. Miller (MI)

Ms. Tauscher

Mr. Saxton

Mr. Cooper

Mr. Ryun (KS)

Ms. Bordallo

Mr. Schrock

Mr. Hayes








Strategic Forces Subcommittee



Mr. Everett, Chairman

Mr. Reyes, Ranking Member

Mr. Thornberry

Mr. Spratt

Mr. Weldon

Ms. Sanchez

Mrs. Wilson (NM), Vice Chairman

Ms. Tauscher

Mr. Bishop

Mr. Meek

Mr. Turner (OH)

Mr. Ryan (OH)

Mr. Rogers

Mr. Franks


Projection Forces Subcommittee



Mr. Bartlett, Chairman

Mr. Taylor, Ranking Member

Mr. Simmons, Vice Chairman

Mr. Abercrombie

Mrs. Davis (VA)

Ms. Tauscher

Mr. Schrock

Mr. Langevin

Mr. Saxton

Mr. Israel

Mr. Hostettler

Mr. Marshall

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Alexander*

Mr. Bradley

Mr. Stenholm**

Mr. Kline










*Mr. Alexander left the committee on August 9, 2004.
** Mr. Stenholm was assigned to the Projection Forces Subcommittee on September 15, 2004.

107th Congress

Military Installations and Facilities Subcommittee

Jurisdiction over military construction, real estate acquisitions and disposals, housing and support, base closure, and related legislative oversight.



Mr. Saxton, Chairman

Mr. Abercrombie, Ranking Member

Mr. Hostettler

Mr. Ortiz

Mr. Hayes, Vice Chairman

Mr. Taylor

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Underwood

Mr. Crenshaw

Mr. Reyes

Mr. Schrock

Dr. Snyder

Mr. McHugh

Mr. Rodriguez

Mr. Everett

Mr. Thompson

Mr. Bartlett

Mr. McKeon


Military Personnel Subcommittee

Jurisdiction over military forces and authorized strengths, integration of active and reserve components, military personnel policy, compensation and other benefits, and related legislative oversight.



Mr. McHugh, Chairman

Dr. Snyder, Ranking Member

Mr. Thornberry

Ms. Sanchez

Mr. Graham

Ms. McKinney

Mr. Ryun, Vice Chairman

Ms. Tauscher

Mrs. Davis (VA)

Mr. Andrews

Mr. Schrock

Mr. Hill

Mr. Akin

Ms. Davis (CA)

Mr. Forbes

Mr. Langevin

Mr. Miller

Mr. Wilson (SC)


Military Procurement Subcommittee

Jurisdiction over annual authorization for procurement of military weapon systems and components thereof, including full-scale development and systems transition, military application of nuclear energy, and related legislative oversight.



Mr. Weldon, Chairman

Mr. Taylor, Ranking Member

Mr. Hansen

Mr. Skelton

Mr. Hefley

Mr. Spratt

Mr. Everett

Mr. Evans

Mr. McKeon

Mr. Blagojevich

Mr. Watts

Mr. Allen

Mr. Thornberry

Mr. Turner

Mr. Graham, Vice Chairman

Mr. Smith

Mr. Ryun

Mr. Maloney

Mr. Gibbons

Mr. McIntyre

Mrs. Wilson (NM)

Ms. McKinney

Mr. Simmons

Ms. Tauscher

Mr. Kirk

Mr. Brady

Mrs. Davis (VA)

Mr. Schrock


Military Readiness Subcommittee

Jurisdiction over annual authorization for operation and maintenance, the readiness and preparedness requirements of the defense establishment, and related legislative oversight.



Mr. Hefley, Chairman

Mr. Ortiz, Ranking Member

Mr. Weldon

Mr. Evans

Mr. Chambliss

Mr. Underwood

Mr. Jones

Mr. Maloney

Mr. Riley, Vice Chairman

Mr. McIntyre

Mr. Hunter

Mr. Rodriguez

Mr. Hansen

Mr. Brady

Mr. Watts

Mr. Hill

Mr. Hilleary

Ms. Davis (CA)

Mr. Gibbons

Mr. Larsen (WA)

Mrs. Wilson (NM)

Mr. Simmons

Mr. Kirk


Military Research and Development Subcommittee

Jurisdiction over annual authorization for military research and development and related legislative oversight.



Mr. Hunter, Chairman

Mr. Meehan, Ranking Member

Mr. Hilleary, Vice Chairman

Mr. Spratt

Mr. Akin

Mr. Abercrombie

Mr. Saxton

Mr. Blagojevich

Mr. Bartlett

Mr. Reyes

Mr. Hostettler

Mr. Allen

Mr. Chambliss

Mr. Turner

Mr. Jones

Mr. Smith

Mr. Riley

Ms. Sanchez

Mr. Hayes

Mr. Andrews

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Thompson

Mr. Crenshaw

Mr. Larson (CT)

Mr. Forbes

Mr. Langevin

Mr. Miller

Mr. Wilson (SC)


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