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10 result(s) for the search term: Trade

07.30.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Trade and the WTO »
06.18.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Trade and China »
06.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about trade »
05.22.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Senator Kennedy and also Trade with China »
05.14.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Colombia Free Trade Agreement »
05.08.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Trade »
05.07.08 audio_upload Senator Brown speaks at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies »
04.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the proposed Colombian Free Trade Agreement »
04.15.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the President's proposed trade agreement with Colombia »
04.08.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Colombia Free Trade Agreement »
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