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Homeland Security Democrats Fighting Uphill Battle For 9/11 Commission Recommendations

WASHINGTON — Democratic Members of the House Committee on Homeland Security, led by Ranking Member Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), today ssued a report that details their efforts to protect the American homeland and implement the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations.

The Committee Democrats’ report lists several pieces of legislation to make America safer that have been overlooked by the Republican leadership. The more than a dozen initiatives would go a long way to securing the nation’s subways and railways, ports, and the Northern and Southern borders.

“It is disappointing that our efforts to secure the nation have largely been ignored,” said Rep. Thompson. This Administration has not taken Homeland Security seriously and has left the nation unprepared to face the many threats it confronts every day. The failure to protect against terrorist attacks, or to even prepare for natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, makes me wonder what the Administration has been doing with the time, resources, and trust the American people have given since September 11, 2001.”

Earlier this week, the 9/11 Commission Public Discourse Project released its final report, “Final Report on 9/11 Commission Recommendations,” which finds that the Administration and the Congress have failed to implement many of the Commission’s recommendations to prevent or prepare for a terrorist attack. The Commission gave the federal government failing grades in its efforts to make America more secure.

For More Information Contact:
Dena Graziano or Todd Levett at (202) 226-2616.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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