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» Area House Members Urge Parity for Civilian Workers , February 01, 2004
A group of Washington-area House members plans to introduce a resolution Tuesday that would put the House on record in support of a "pay parity" raise in the upcoming fiscal 2005 budget debate.
» South Capitol Street Bridge Receives Funding, January 26, 2004
A key transportation artery is in line for some much-needed repairs after last week’s Senate passage of the omnibus spending bill.
» Hoyer, Ney Praise Voting Reform Funds In FY04 Omnibus, January 23, 2004
House Minority Whip Hoyer and House Administration Chairman Ney today lauded the passage of the FY04 omnibus appropriations bill for its inclusion of a $1.5 billion earmark to help fund the 2002 Help America Vote Act
» Primaries to test new election law, January 23, 2004
The New Hampshire primary next week will be the "first real test" of a new federal act providing billions of dollars to help states ensure that future elections will be accurate, honest and accessible, Rep. Steny Hoyer, one of the sponsors of the act, said Friday.
» Burying the Bribe, January 22, 2004
As Hefley well knows, the ethics committee doesn't need a House member to file a complaint before launching an investigation. But he's poised to use that as an excuse to bury the Medicare bribe story.
» House Members Petition Bush to Endorse Pay Parity , January 22, 2004
A group of House members, led by Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), wrote President Bush yesterday urging him to support "the principle of pay parity" in his fiscal 2005 budget plan.
» Hoyer Faults Bush Before State Of Union Speech, January 20, 2004
House Minority Whip Hoyer faulted President Bush today for evaporated budget surpluses, education funding, healthcare issues and an environmental "assault on the air, the water and the land."
» With Senate Back in Session, Pay Raises Could Finally Be Untangled, January 20, 2004
The Senate returns to work today -- hopefully ready to plunge into debate on an $820 billion omnibus spending bill for fiscal 2004 that would bump up this year's pay raise for the government's white-collar workers.
» Hoyer seeks probe into Park Service, January 16, 2004
A congressman yesterday demanded that the Interior Department investigate "unauthorized leaks" that he said resulted in a report in The Washington Times about lapses in national security and the firing of U.S. Park Police Chief Teresa Chambers.
» Democrats Focus on Jews, January 14, 2004
Worried by signs of President Bush's soaring popularity among Jews, Democrats launched a coordinated campaign 18 months ago to win back Jewish votes.
» Worried that Jews will go for Bush, Democrats plotting a counterstrategy, January 06, 2004
Worried by signs of President Bush´s soaring popularity among Jews, Democrats launched a coordinated campaign 18 months ago to win back Jewish votes.
» Bribery, Extortion, January 05, 2004
If ever there was a case that cried out for investigation by the House ethics committee and the Justice Department, it is the evident bribery and extortion attempts applied to Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.)
» Bush sets 2004 pay raise at 2 percent , December 31, 2003
President Bush on Dec. 30 ordered a 2 percent 2004 pay raise for civil servants, but government workers may eventually receive a significantly higher raise if lawmakers approve the pending fiscal 2004 omnibus budget bill.
» Hoyer strives to keep Jewish vote for Dems, December 10, 2003
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-Md.) speech Monday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will cap a yearlong strategy aimed at preventing an exodus of Jewish voters from Democratic ranks.
» Democrats decry Republican tactics in marathon vote, December 09, 2003
Angry House Democrats, still smarting over extraordinary parliamentary maneuvers that Republicans used last month to pass the Medicare bill President Bush signed Monday, sought to upstage Bush's big moment by taking to the floor to embarrass the House leadership.
» Hoyer Calls for Ethics Investigation of Smith’s Bribery Allegations, December 09, 2003
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.), the second highest-ranking House Democrat, on Monday called for the ethics committee to investigate whether Republican lawmakers tried to bribe Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.) to vote in favor of the Medicare bill.
» Probe Sought in Claim Of Medicare-Vote Bribe, December 09, 2003
The House's second-ranking Democrat yesterday called for an ethics investigation into a Michigan congressman's assertion that unnamed GOP colleagues offered $100,000 for his son's congressional campaign if the lawmaker would vote for a contentious Medicare bill.
» Amid successes, GOP-led Congress leaves stubborn issues unresolved, November 28, 2003
The congressional year ends with the future of President Bush's vaunted energy bill uncertain and no decision on how to fix the nation's crumbling highways or avoid a looming trade war with Europe. With Republicans in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, it wasn't supposed to be this hard.
» Lincoln's effort to offer child tax credit to low-income families stalled, November 23, 2003
Collecting dust atop a desk in the office of House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., is a laptop computer displaying a digital clock.
» After Criticizing Jim Wright in '87, GOP Used His Tactic, November 22, 2003
In the pre-dawn partisan tumult after the extended Medicare vote, Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md., took to the microphones to liken the situation to one 16 years before — an instance that remains one of the formative moments of the House's current political dynamic.
» Arm-Twisting Produces GOP Victory as House Adopts Medicare Conference Report, November 22, 2003
It took intensive lobbying by President Bush and House Republican leaders, combined with the longest floor vote on record, to pull off House passage early Saturday morning of the most significant Medicare overhaul in the program's 38-year history.
» Billion-Dollar Question: How Much Does a Fair Election Cost?, November 12, 2003
Most of the stories about the California recall election noted after the fact that California had dodged a bullet: The dire predictions about election process failure did not come to pass. As John McLaughlin would say, “WRONG!”...
» As the Session Winds Down, Sniping Rises on Capitol Hill, November 08, 2003
Congress is winding down, which is causing the partisanship to be ratcheted up...
» Crashing the Party, November 08, 2003
To hear congressional Democrats tell it, this is the beginning of the end of democracy...
» Digging Scoop, November 07, 2003
A Jewish Democratic group is creating an award to memorialize Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson of Washington state, the legendary liberal internationalist who did much to win the Cold War and whose staunch support for the Jewish state helped it through some rough times...


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