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» Bipartisanship on Social Security Lacking, June 23, 2005
Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post from Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi
» Proposed federal anti-drug cuts decried, June 23, 2005
Local law enforcement officials decried Thursday huge budget cuts proposed by the Bush administration to a national network of drug-interdiction task forces, including one that provided more than $12 million to the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area this year.
» Equal Raise for Civil Service Workers Sails Through House Panel, June 22, 2005
The House Appropriations Committee yesterday approved a 3.1 percent pay raise next year for civil service employees, continuing a long-standing practice of providing a raise equal to that planned for the military.
» Fair pay raise needed to recruit, reward work force , June 20, 2005
Today, the United States possesses the most efficient public sector in the world, one whose mission is to execute the public policies of the nation without regard to politics or party, serve and protect the American people, and save taxpayer money.
» Defense Appropriations: House Panel's Bill Rearranges Some Pentagon Priorities, June 07, 2005
A $408.9 billion Pentagon spending measure including an additional $45.3 billion for war costs was approved Tuesday by the House Appropriations Committee.
» House Group Sending Letter to Push for 'Pay Parity' Raises, May 16, 2005
A bipartisan group of House members plans to send a letter today to the chairman and ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee to urge them to support "pay parity" raises next year for civil service and military personnel.
» Community learning centers foster partnerships, May 12, 2005
Education is not an 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. process for children -- it's 24 hours a day from the sleep they get, to the meals they eat, to the support they receive at home and in the community.
» We'll compromise, but no privatization, May 03, 2005
As President Bush and administration officials look back on their campaign to sell privatized Social Security, it is increasingly clear that Americans are just not buying. And after the president's recent press conference, in which he proposed large benefit cuts, the American people are even more skeptical.
» Social Security blitz may have been a bust, April 30, 2005
At a community center outside Washington on Friday, President Bush used familiar phrases, familiar props and familiar jokes to try to convince Americans that Social Security needs to be revamped.
» Bill Would Restore Pension Credits to Returning Employees , April 22, 2005
A bill that would allow former government workers to recoup their pension credits when returning to federal employment has been introduced in the House by Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.).
» Democrats Target Youth on Social Security, April 20, 2005
House Democrats are turning to the Internet to bolster their outreach to young Americans on Social Security, hoping to wage a counteroffensive against the Bush administration’s targeting of twentysomething voters in its fight to enact private retirement accounts.
» Tax frustrations show that the time for reform is right, April 14, 2005
The one thing that millions of Americans will not be saying tomorrow is, "Thank goodness, it's Friday."
» Democrats Hit GOP on Taxes, April 13, 2005
Led by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), House Democrats will use tax-filing week as the kickoff for their latest initiative. Hoyer said Tuesday that Democrats will attempt to show in the coming days and months that they are the true “party of reform” and that, despite the GOP rhetoric, Republicans have only made the tax system more complicated and unjust.
» Democratic ‘Doves’ Vs. Internationalists, March 21, 2005
After Bob Dole lost the White House race to President Bill Clinton in 1996, a group of prominent neoconservatives saw a void in foreign policy and decided to fill it.
» U.S. House Approves $81.4 Bln War Spending Package , March 16, 2005
The U.S. House approved $81.4 billion in additional spending in 2005 for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about $500 million less than President George W. Bush had requested.
» White House Social Security 'fact sheet' is anything but, February 25, 2005
Last week's White House fact sheet on Social Security contains anything but the facts. It asserts that by 2027 the government will somehow have to come up with an extra $200 billion a year, and by 2033, more than $300 billion.
» Hoyer Weighs in On Social Security , February 24, 2005
As members of Congress wage intellectual and policy battles over the future of Social Security, Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) went to La Plata on Tuesday to make his case against privatizing parts of the program.
» Rep. Hoyer whipping the GOP , February 16, 2005
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) waded into Republican territory yesterday, releasing a whip count of 29 Republicans he says are on record opposing “all or major parts of President Bush’s plan” for Social Security reform.
» Democrats Are Fighting To Strengthen Social Security, February 10, 2005
President Bush used his State of the Union address last week to broadly outline his proposal to privatize Social Security, but he still has not released a detailed plan.
» Hoyer Pushes For Hefley Probe, February 09, 2005
A top House Democrat is urging the ethics committee to investigate whether Rep. Joel Hefley (R-Colo.) was forced out as the panel’s chairman in retaliation for the committee’s decision to admonish Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) on two different occasions during the 108th Congress. Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters Tuesday that the ethics committee should look into whether Hefley was threatened, if it has not done so already, and whether Hefley’s removal from the chairmanship of the panel last week was a response to the committee’s rulings during its investigation of allegations made by former Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.), as well as an ethics complaint filed against DeLay by former Rep. Chris Bell (D-Texas).
» Democrat Calls Bush's Budget 'Fiscally Irresponsible Fraud', February 07, 2005
A top House Democrat Monday called President Bush's $2.75 trillion budget plan "fiscally irresponsible fraud" that will be rejected by members of the president's own party.
» Newsview: Bush Budget Contains Omissions, February 07, 2005
President Bush will propose a 3.1 percent pay raise for members of the armed forces and a 2.3 percent increase for civilian federal employees under the fiscal 2006 budget plan the White House will release on Monday.
» Planned Military Raise to Top Civilians', February 05, 2005
President Bush will propose a 3.1 percent pay raise for members of the armed forces and a 2.3 percent increase for civilian federal employees under the fiscal 2006 budget plan the White House will release on Monday.
» News Analysis: New wind in Washington blows ball, February 02, 2005
It used to be that a bipartisan barrage of Beltway backing for “democracy in the Middle East” meant something comforting for Israel: another show of solid U.S. support. Now it could mean profound change.
» CBO: US FY2006 Budget Deficit To Hit $337 Bln , January 26, 2005
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Under current policies, the U.S. government will amass a $337 billion annual budget deficit in fiscal year 2006, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates released Thursday.


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