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"The drought being experienced now in our most populous region reminds us anew that we cannot and must not rely alone on building bigger reservoirs and longer pipelines, or grander schemes of waterworks to supply this essential of life." President Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks at the Signing of the Saline Water Conversion Act, August 11, 1965

Just as the population of our nation's West is rapidly increasing, experts predict that potentially severe and long-lasting drought conditions may strike our rivers and waterways in the future. With water resources already scarce, yet vital to both the agriculture that feeds our nation and the urban regions millions call home, ensuring an adequate water supply for all Americans remains one of the greatest challenges confronting our nation today.

As the authorizing Subcommittee for the Bureau of Reclamation and the federal power marketing administrations, the Subcommittee on Water and Power, under the direction of Chairwoman Grace Napolitano (D-CA), is involved in all aspects of shaping federal policies for water and power resources management. With jurisdiction over important areas including irrigation, water recycling and hydropower, the Subcommittee is committed to working with state and local water officials to meet these challenges at the federal level.

Our nation's water infrastructure is aging and deteriorating. Huge quantities of water that could be recycled are instead flushed out to sea. Aquatic habitat and watersheds are being damaged. Yet to this day, the Administration's budget priorities for water are still addressing the antiquated water supply priorities that existed in the era of the Reclamation Act of 1902. Modern restoration projects are being forced to compete for limited funding.

As leaders in developing and implementing sensible water policies, the Subcommittee is committed to providing for new and innovative projects to develop sustainable water supplies for communities across America. By focusing attention on projects that protect and restore endangered species habitat, and by using emerging technologies to develop new water supplies through recycling and desalination, the Subcommittee will continue to forge a new direction in our nation's water management priorities.

First elected to Congress in November 1998, Congresswoman Grace Napolitano is currently serving her fifth term representing California's 38th district. Having served as a member of what is now the House Committee on Natural Resources since the 106th Congress, Napolitano became Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Water and Power in January 2007.

As Chairwoman, Congresswoman Napolitano is dedicated to conserving scarce water supplies and using emerging technologies to promote new and unique conservation, groundwater storage, and supply solutions. She also looks to address the challenges to our nation's water supplies brought on by continuing global climate change, supporting local groundwater cleanup, desalination, and storage development efforts. Among her many achievements in water resource management, she has assisted in the implementation of CALFED, a water management plan for the State of California. Napolitano has also worked tirelessly to protect the fragile ecosystem of California's Bay-Delta, as well as threatened waterways across the country.

Napolitano's slate of legislative accomplishments underscores her avid commitment to water recycling, desalination, and addressing our nation's need for adequate water quality and supply. Her 1999 effort to begin removal of a 10.5 million ton uranium tailings pile at the banks of the Colorado River in Moab, Utah, underscores her dedication to safeguarding citizens' health, preserving our nation's pristine natural habitats, and ensuring that water supplies are not contaminated.

In addition to her duties as Chairwoman, Napolitano serves as the most senior new member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. She also chaired the Congressional Hispanic Caucus during the 109th Congress, where she worked to address national education, immigration, health, and civil rights issues, and the impact these areas have on the Hispanic community.

Congresswoman Napolitano is married to Frank Napolitano, retired restaurateur and community activist. They reside in Norwalk, California, and take great pride in their five grown children, 14 grandchildren and great-grandson.

Members of the
Subcommittee on Water and Power
1522 Longworth House Office Building
(202) 225-8331 Fax: (202) 226-6953

Mrs. Grace F. Napolitano, California, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington, Ranking Republican Member

Jim Costa, California
George Miller, California
Mark Udall, Colorado
Joe Baca, California
Nick J. Rahall, II, West Virginia (ex officio)

Doug Lamborn, Colorado
Mary Fallin, Oklahoma
Adrian Smith, Nebraska
Don Young, Alaska (ex officio)