Great Seal The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.  Please see for material released since President George W. Bush took office on that date.  This site is not updated so external links may no longer function.  Contact us with any questions about finding information.

NOTE: External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

    Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

               Iraq Official Texts

Flag of Iraq
Flag of Iraq


*Myths/Facts About Iraq

       Iraq Report
*Saddam Hussain's Iraq
*Press Briefing Excerpts:
   --Oil-for-Food Program
   --Presentation on Iraq
*White Paper:
   --WMD Program
*Human Rights
*Religious Freedom
*Global Terrorism

Related Sites
*Near Eastern Affairs
*UN Commission
*UN Iraq Programme
*Department of Defense
*Consular Affairs

Iraq Homepage

                                   Press Statements
11/03/00:Regulations Governing Flights to Iraq
10/02/00: Statement by Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman on Funding Agreement with Iraqi National Congress
09/00 : Secretary Albright Op-Ed For Tenth Anniversary Of Iraq's Invasion Of Kuwait
09/22/00: Statement by Richard Boucher, Spokesman on the French Airflight Into Baghdad
09/21/00: Iran Appeals Decision
09/20/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright Statement on Free Iraqi Leaders, New York, N. Y.
09/18/00: David Scheffer, Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues Address at the Middle East Institute and the Iraq Foundation, Washington, DC.
09/15/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright Remarks at Stakeout Following 6 plus 2 Meeting on Afghanistan, New York, N.Y.
09/14/00: Ambassador David Scheffer to Address the National Press Club
09/14/00: Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright Statement on Meeting with Iraqi Delegation, New York, N.Y.
09/06/00: Allen Keiswetter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near East Affairs on U.S. Policy in the Gulf Region
08/23/00: Peacekeeping in Iraq/Kuwait: UNIKOM (UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission) Fact sheet released by the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, U.S. Department of State
8/17/00:0 Ambassador Moose Statement in Response to Sanctions Against Iraq 08/02/00: C. David Welch, On-the-Record Briefing on the Tenth Anniversary of the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait
07/05/00: Taken Question: Iraq: Missile Program
06/26/00: Vice President Gore and Leaders of the Iraqi National Congress, Joint Statement
06/16/00: Richard Boucher, Excerpt from the Daily Press Briefing (Andrews and Bolling Talks/Dennis Ross' Trip/Iraq-No Fly Zones/Reaction to Oil-For-Food Program)
06/09/00: Renewal of UN Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq
06/09/00: Thomas Pickering, 17th National Convention of the America-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (Middle East Peace Process and Iraq)
06/08/00: UN Security Council, Resolution 1302, Extension of Iraq Oil-for-Food Program, New York
05/04/00: Samuel Berger, Op Ed from the Financial Times (Saddam is the Root of all Iraq's Problems)
05/03/00: Richard Boucher, Excerpt from Daily Press Briefing (Iraq No-Fly-Zone/Preventing Illegal Oil Exports/Oil-for-Food Program)
04/26/00: Ambassador James Cunningham, Kuwaiti Prisoners of War Issue
04/24/00: Congressman Tony Hall, Statement on his Visit to Iraq April 16-20, Washington, DC
04/17/00: Francis Ricciardone, American University, Washington, DC (An American Diplomat's Perspectives on Kurds in the Global Arena)
04/14/00: Francis Ricciardone, Press Briefing After Meetings at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara, Turkey
04/14/00: Edward Walker, Jr., Remarks After Meetings at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara, Turkey
03/24/00: Ambassador James Cunningham, UN Security Council, New York (Iraq)
03/23/00: David Welch and Beth Jones, Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee (U.S. Policy Toward Iraq)
03/23/00: Alina Romanowski, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Testimony, House International Relations Committee (Military side of Iraq policy)
03/24/00: James Rubin, Excerpt from the Daily Press Briefing (Oil-for-food Program)
03/23/00: Secretary Ablright and Swiss Foreign Minister Joseph Deiss, press stakeout, La Pastorale, Geneva, Switzerland
03/22/00: Assistant Secretary Walker, Before Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (U.S. Policy Toward Iraq)
03/21/00: George Tenet, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (The Worldwide Threat in 2000: Global Realities of Our National Security)
03/09/00: James Rubin, Daily Press Briefing Excerpt (UNSC complaint--U.S. delegation going into northern Iraq)
02/29/00: James Rubin: Presentation on Iraq
02/15/00: James Rubin, Daily Press Briefing Excerpt (Resignation of World Food Program Official in Iraq)
02/14/00: James Rubin, Daily Press Briefing Excerpt (Resignation of Mr. Von Sponeck)
02/03/00: James Foley, Daily Press Briefing Excerpt (Oil Smuggling)
Previous: 1999 | 1998

Press Statements
08/17/00 : Ambassador George Moose Statement in Response to a Case Study of Sanctions Against Iraq
06/23/00: Vice President Gore Meeting With Iraqi National Congress Officials
06/09/00: Renewal of UN Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq
03/16/00: Anniversary of the Halabja Massacre
Previous: 1999 | 1998

[end of document]
Background | Myths/Facts | Saddam Hussain's Iraq | DPB: Oil-for-Food | DPB: Iraq Presentation | White Paper: WMD Program | Human Rights | Religious Freedom | Global Terrorism | Iraq Homepage | Near Eastern Affairs | Consular Affairs | Department of State | Secretary of State