Great Seal The State Department web site below is a permanent electronic archive of information released prior to January 20, 2001.  Please see for material released since President George W. Bush took office on that date.  This site is not updated so external links may no longer function.  Contact us with any questions about finding information.

NOTE: External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

    Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

               Iraq Background

Flag of Iraq
Flag of Iraq

Official Texts

*Myths/Facts About Iraq

*Press Briefing Excerpts:
   --Oil-for-Food Program
   --Presentation on Iraq
*White Paper:
   --WMD Program
*Human Rights
*Religious Freedom
*Global Terrorism

Related Sites
*Near Eastern Affairs
*UN Commission
*UN Iraq Programme
*Department of Defense
*Consular Affairs

Iraq Homepage

01/08/99: Events Leading to U.S.-led Attack
01/08/99: Instances of Iraqi "Material Breach" of Security Council Resolutions
01/08/99: Iraqi Violations of Cease-fire Agreement and UN Resolution 687
12/00/98: Crisis in Iraq

Fact Sheets
08/23/00: Peacekeeping in Iraq/Kuwait
12/17/99: Fact Sheet, UN Security Council, Iraq Omnibus Resolution
08/18/98: Update: National Security Council--Humanitarian Aid Under the Sanctions Regime
04/28/98: National Security Council--Humanitarian Aid Under the Sanctions Regime

Key Resolutions
UN Office of the Iraq Programme, Resolutions relating to the oil-for-food program
UNSCOM Key Resolutions

Country Information
Travel Warning
The World Factbook: CIA publication



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Official Texts | Myths/Facts  | DPB: Oil-for-Food | DPB: Iraq Presentation | White Paper: WMD Program | Human Rights | Religious Freedom | Global Terrorism | Iraq Homepage | Near Eastern Affairs | Consular Affairs | Department of State | Secretary of State