
To learn more about my stance on specific issues, and for links to legislation, select from the list below.

Agriculture As Ohio’s first Senator on the Agriculture Committee in more than forty years, I am honored to represent our state’s farmers.
Alternative Energy Rich in natural resources and home to skilled labor force, Ohio can become the Silicon Valley of Alternative Energy.
Benefit Banks: Helping connect families to vital resources in Ohio For hard-working Ohioans, it is often difficult to take time off work to go from agency to agency applying for public benefits such as food stamps or child care assistance. The Ohio Benefit Bank can help.
Civil Rights I am proud to represent the racially and ethnically diverse population of Ohio.
Climate Change Experts from across the globe and throughout the United States have come to consensus: Global climate change is real.
Community Development As Ohio and the nation move into the 21st century, we must rebuild the infrastructure of the urban centers of our great cities, reinvigorate struggling midsize communities, empower rural areas to secure needed services and infrastructure, and protect the quality of life in all of our towns and suburbs across the state.
Earned Income Tax Credit The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit recognizing the economic contributions of working families. Click here to find out more and see what EITC can do.
Education Investing in our education system is essential to ensuring Ohio’s future. By investing in Ohio’s youth and young people from all over the nation, we prepare and help produce the leaders of tomorrow.
Energy To free ourselves from dependency on foreign oil, and to address the global climate change crisis, we must build a system where our energy is home grown, readily available, clean, and affordable.
Food Stamps The Food Stamp Program is our nation’s first line of defense against hunger.
Foreign Policy Our nation's foreign policy should be grounded in our values and directed toward advancing global peace and prosperity. A commitment to diplomacy is required to address threats to our national security, and global collaboration is required to address threats to the public health and the environment.
Great Lakes Lake Erie is truly one of Ohio’s crown jewels.
Health Care Health Care is an important issue for all Ohioans, and I am working hard to ensure a better system for everyone.
Homeland Security Ohio’s first responders are our first line of defense in ensuring our communities and our families are safe.
Housing Foreclosures in Ohio are dominating the headlines.
Immigration I have supported legislation to curb illegal immigration by increasing criminal penalties for immigrant smuggling and document fraud, eliminating the use of government documents that are easily forged, and doubling the number of border patrol guards.
Jobs Ohio is home to the most talented labor force in the world. Rich in natural resource and with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, the Buckeye state is poised to lead the way nationally in manufacturing and small business development.
Ohio's Infrastructure Ohio has a comprehensive infrastructure system essential to the state’s economy, and to the public health and safety of Ohioans, that must be preserved and upgraded as it ages.
Strategies for saving gas, and money Senator Brown reccomends these steps in order to save gas, energy and money.
Summer Food Program If your child gets free or reduced meals at school, he or she is automatically eligible for summer meals.
Supporting Our Troops Our troops must get the support and the protection they need. From providing them with body and vehicle armor, to boosting their base pay, our troops must come first.
Trade Fair Trade is vital to our nation’s economic future. But the trade deals of the past decade have failed Ohio workers and small businesses.
Transition to Digital TV In February of 2009, all television broadcasts will transition from analog to digital. Is your TV ready?
Veterans Nothing is more important than caring for the men and women who have served our nation.