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Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher speaks to employees from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 

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Congresswoman Tauscher speaks with KGO Radio host Ron Owens about the 2008 Presidential Election

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Rep. Tauscher meets with General Kevin Chilton, Commander of U.S. Strategic Command

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Rep. Tauscher meets with senior officials in the Czech Republic and Poland to discuss Ballistic Missile Defense.

Rep. Ellen Tauscher to Host Military Academy Nights in Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill and Fairfield
Walnut Creek, CA - Rep. Ellen Tauscher, along with her colleagues Reps. George Miller (D-Martinez) and Jerry McNerney (D-Pleasanton), will be hosting Military Academy Information Nights in Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill and Fairfield during three evenings this month.  The Pleasanton event will be held September 22nd at Amador Valley High School, 1155 Santa Rita Road.
Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher on the India Nuclear Deal: "A dangerous precedent that would be impossible to erase."
Today, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) approved an India-specific waiver from its guideline requiring full-scope International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards as a condition for nuclear supply.
Rep. Tauscher’s Comments on the Senseless Murder of Fairfield City Councilmember Matt Garcia
My thoughts and prayers are with Councilmember Garcia's family and our community at this very difficult time. 
Tauscher on Finalized U.S. - Polish Missile Defense Pact

Washington, DC –Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher, Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, reacted today to the news that Secretary Rice had signed an agreement on the Missile Defense Third Site with the Polish government:

Tauscher on Proposed U.S - Poland Missile Defense Pact
Washington DC - In response to news that The U.S. and Poland reached a deal on Thursday to place an American missile defense base on Polish territory, Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement.
Tauscher Recieves "Best of Congress" Award from Working Mother Magazine
WASHINGTON (Aug. 12, 2008) - Honoring leaders on Capitol Hill for improving the American quality of life through family-friendly work policies, Working Mother Media and Corporate Voices for Working Families are announcing the 24 recipients of the inaugural Best of Congress award.
Tauscher: Boehner's remarks offensive, misleading
"Not only are John Boehner's comments offensive and in extremely poor taste, but they just go to show how little he understands the American people..."
Bay-Delta Democrats Respond to New Reports, Emphasize Need for Protections
WASHINGTON, DC - A spate of reports on the Bay-Delta prompted five Democratic members of Congress to reiterate their calls for prompt and aggressive steps to protect the health of the Bay-Delta ecosystem, restore the state's salmon fisheries, and avoid being sidetracked by the politically divisive peripheral canal proposal advocated in one recent report.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher Backs Comprehensive Plan To Support Homeowners, Addresses Mortgage Crisis
Washington, DC - Rep. Ellen Tauscher today backed the most comprehensive response yet to the American mortgage crisis. The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act will help families keep their homes, aid local communities hit hard by the foreclosure crisis and strengthen the economy and financial markets.
Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher on the India Nuclear Deal: "A dangerous precedent that would be impossible to erase."
Today, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) approved an India-specific waiver from its guideline requiring full-scope International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards as a condition for nuclear supply.
Tauscher on Finalized U.S. - Polish Missile Defense Pact

Washington, DC –Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher, Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, reacted today to the news that Secretary Rice had signed an agreement on the Missile Defense Third Site with the Polish government:

Tauscher Commends NATOs Commitment to an Alliance- Wide Missile Defense Capability
Washington, DC - Today the leaders of NATO assembled in Bucharest, Romania issued a statement regarding cooperation on missile defense.  In this statement they asserted their commitment to an alliance-wide missile defense system that will protect all member nations from the threat of short and long range ballistic missiles.
Tauscher To Deliver Keynote Address at NATO Bucharest Conference
Washington, DC – Today at 11:45 EST 8:45 PST Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Chairman of the House Strategic Forces Subcommittee, will deliver the keynote address at the NATO Bucharest Conference in Bucharest, Romania.
Tauscher Statement on Fifth Anniversary of the Iraq War
Washington, DC – Rep. Ellen Tauscher released the following statement today on the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War
Tauscher Comments on POGO Report Detailing Nuclear Clean-Up at Lawrence Livermore National Laborator
Washington, DC – Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of The House Armed Services Committee released the following statement on the Project on Government Oversight’s recent report entitled U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Livermore Homes and Plutonium Make Bad Neighbors.
Tauscher Applauds Successful Shoot-Down of Non-Functioning U.S. Satellite
Washington, DC – Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement regarding last night’s successful shoot-down of non-functioning U.S. satellite
Tauscher and Royce Introduce Legislation to Improve Defense Cooperation with South Korea
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) and Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), introduced legislation to improve defense cooperation between the militaries of the U.S. and the Republic of Korea.
House Passes Bill Restoring Funds to CA Transportation Projects
Washington, D.C - Today, California Democratic Congressional Delegation (CDCD) members joined with their house colleagues in passing in H.R. 6532, the Highway Trust Fund Restoration Act. This legislation addresses a projected shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund and will help ensure that transportation projects in California will continue to receive much needed federal funds.
Tauscher Introduces Legislation Easing Export Controls for Civilian Aircraft
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ellen Tauscher, along with Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.) introduced legislation that would provide export controls of certain items relating to civil aircraft.
Tauscher, House Passes Legislation to Reimburse Caltrans for Cost of Public Transportation and “511” Services Related to MacArthur Maze Collapse
Washington, DC - Today, the House passed legislation to reimburse Caltrans for costs associated with providing public transportation and “511” traveler information services as a result of the MacArthur Maze collapse.
Tauscher Announces 4.1 Million in Funding For Congestion Relief and Opportunities
Washington, DC – Rep. Ellen Tauscher announced today that she has secured $4.1 million in funding for local transportation improvements in and around the Bay Area and an innovative loan opportunity for first-time homebuyers in eastern Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher Introduces Commuter Emergency Relief Legislation
Washington , DC – Today, Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif., 10) introduced the Commuter Emergency Relief Act to make all mass transportation services provided as a result of highway emergencies eligible for reimbursement by the federal government.  
Rep. Ellen Tauscher Tours Joint IED Defeat Organization
Washington, DC – Today Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Chairman of the S trategic Forces S ubcommittee of the House Armed S ervices Committee, led the first bi-partisan delegation to tour the Joint IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) Defeat Organization (JIEDDO).
Rep. Tauscher's Response to Governor Schwarzenegger’s Revised Budget Recommending Cutting Funding
Washington, DC - “Today, the Governor reaffirmed that he has a short-sighted vision for transit in California .
Rep. Tauscher Statement on I – 580 Collapse
Washington , DC – Rep.Ellen Tauscher, the senior bay area member of the House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement today in regard to the collapse of a portion of I-580.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher and Rep. McNerney Host Transportation Summit.
Dublin , CA –Rep. Ellen Tauscher (Calif.-10) and Rep. Jerry McNerney (Calif.-11) spent the day focusing on the transportation needs of northernCalifornia by taking a helicopter tour of congestion areas and hosting a Transportation Summit attended by decision-makers at the local, state, and federal levels.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher Responds to California Transportation Commission’s List of Improvements
Washington, DC – Today, the California Transportation Commission approved $4.5 billion in state transportation infrastructure funding.  Rep. Ellen Tauscher made the following statement on the Commission’s actions:
Tauscher: Boehner's remarks offensive, misleading
"Not only are John Boehner's comments offensive and in extremely poor taste, but they just go to show how little he understands the American people..."
Rep. Ellen Tauscher Backs Comprehensive Plan To Support Homeowners, Addresses Mortgage Crisis
Washington, DC - Rep. Ellen Tauscher today backed the most comprehensive response yet to the American mortgage crisis. The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act will help families keep their homes, aid local communities hit hard by the foreclosure crisis and strengthen the economy and financial markets.
Tauscher Backs Plan to Invest in Renewable Energy and Create New Jobs
Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Ellen Tauscher backed landmark legislation that will make significant new investments in renewable energy sources, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, help end our dependence on foreign oil and slash taxpayer funded subsidies to oil companies.
Tauscher Release: What the Bush Budget Means for the 10th Congressional District
Washington, DC – President Bush has delivered his final budget proposal to Congress.  The budget reflects the Bush Administration’s priorities, but unfortunately, it does not reflect the priorities of the average American family, especially those of us living in and around the Bay Area.
Tauscher Criticizes Bush’s Budget Priorities
Washington, DC – Today, President Bush sent Congress his budget.  The budget reflects the Bush Administration’s priorities and details how the President would like Congress to appropriate funding for both domestic and foreign policies.
Tauscher Backs Economic Stimulus
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ellen Tauscher joined her colleagues and passed a bipartisan economic stimulus package.  Last week, led by Speaker Pelosi, Congressional leaders and the White House agreed on a package that will give a much-needed boost to our struggling economy and provide real assistance to lower- and middle-income families and seniors.
Tauscher Votes To Provide Tax Relief to Middle Class Americans
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the House of Representatives passed legislation to provide immediate tax relief to protect 23 million middle class families from facing the Alternative Minimum Tax and a higher tax bill this April.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher to Address Solano Economic Development Corp.
The Solano Economic Development Corp. will host a luncheon event featuring Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher, chairwoman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee.
Rep. Ellen Tauscher Backs Democratic Budget
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ellen Tauscher backed the Democratic Majority’s Budget Resolution which passed the House by a vote of 216-210.
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