
February 18th, 2009

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Statement by U.S. Representative Diana DeGette on Voting Against the Line Item Veto

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Contact: In DC - Brandon MacGillis (202) 225-4431
In CO - Chris Arend (303) 844-4988 

 WASHINGTON DC – Today U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) joined a majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting against the Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 2006, H.R. 4890.


“Clearly, Republicans can’t control their own spending so they’re asking President Bush to control it for them.  That’s makes about as much sense as giving a toddler a big bag of Skittles and expecting him not to eat them all.


“Instead of wasting time trying to give away more Congressional power to Karl Rove and the White House, we should enforce the “Pay-As-You-Go” rules. These rules force spending increases and tax cuts to be paid for before they are enacted and enabled Congress and President Clinton to turn a $290 billion deficit into a $5.6 trillion surplus in just 6 years.  Sadly it took President Bush and his Republican Congress just five years to turn that surplus into a $3.2 trillion deficit.


“Republicans must learn fiscal discipline.”


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