
February 18th, 2009

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Energy and Commerce Vice-Chairman Encourages Members to Support SCHIP

WASHINGTON, DC - As the Committee on Energy and Commerce considers H.R. 3162, the Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007 (CHAMP Act) reauthorizing the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Vice-Chairman Diana DeGette (D-CO) praised the success of SCHIP and encouraged her colleagues to support a program that will provide access to quality, affordable health care to 12 million children across the country.

The following is U.S. Rep. DeGette's opening statement as prepared for delivery:

"I want to thank the Chairman, staff and everyone else who has been a part of putting together this extraordinary piece of legislation. I have no doubt that passing this bill will be a highlight of my career and undoubtedly many of you feel the same.

"This is a bipartisan program.  It has been so since it was first conceived a decade ago and there is not a reason in the world why support should break down on partisan lines today.

"It would be a shame if we here in Congress, starting with this esteemed committee, let partisan bickering prevent us from reauthorizing the SCHIP program.

"Americans overwhelmingly support this program and this bill.  Have no doubt that our constituents will hold us accountable if we falter in our quest to reauthorize this program.

"The fact that the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world is home to millions of children who don't have health insurance is something that should cause us to hang our collective head in shame.

"The death of Deamonte Driver was a travesty.  What's worse is that he isn't the only kid to have died from a simple ailment because he did not have access to health care.

"Over the course of this mark-up we are going to be having many vigorous debates about many things.  This is a good thing and I look forward to it.

"However, I caution my colleagues about getting sidetracked on issues that are not relevant to the topic at hand. At the end of the day, it is all going to boil down to one question that every Member is going to have to ask themselves.  Do you believe that we have an obligation to provide health care coverage to poor kids?

"Ten years ago the answer was a resounding yes.  I hope that answer remains the same today.

"Any Member who opposes this bill today, is not just voting against pulling 6 millions kid aboard the life raft. It is a vote to dump those who are already there.

"To those who oppose this bill due to cost, I ask them to consider the cost of 12 million children growing up without health care.  There is no question that this investment will save our government untold millions, perhaps billions, in the future.

"Mr. Chairman, I again thank you for the heroic effort you and your staff made to get this bill in front of us today. I urge the committee to vote promptly to approve this bill.

"If we don't we are turning our collective backs on poor kids in this country. We are better than that, as individuals, as Members of Congress, as a country.

"I urge all my esteemed colleagues on this Committee to stay the course on SCHIP and vote to approve this bill today."

The Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007 (CHAMP Act) will reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Earlier this week, the Energy and Commerce Committee unveiled the CHAMP Act that provides health care to millions of kids, and ensures that our seniors can continue to see their own doctors. This important legislation commits $50 billion to reauthorize and improve SCHIP and makes critical investments in Medicare to protect the health of senior citizens.

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