
February 18th, 2009

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April 29, 2001

Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431


DENVER, CO - U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (CO-1) and Colorado environmental leaders spoke out against the Bush Administration's assault on Colorado's environment on Sunday, April 29 at 11:00AM at Confluence Park in Denver.

On the day marking President Bush's first 100 days in office, leading environmentalists in Colorado joined together to denounce the Administration's assault on the environment, as well as actions that undermine the public's health.

"I ask the Bush administration to stop their assault on the environment and to listen to the voices of the American people who know that we can have a clean environment and a vibrant economy," said Rep. DeGette. "Since President Bush's first 100 days have resulted in 50 assaults on Colorado's environment, then I challenge the Bush Administration to create 50 ways to work with Coloradans in the next 100 days to protect our environment and preserve our children's future."

Joining Rep. DeGette at the banks of the South Platt River were representatives from the Sierra Club, Colorado Clean Water Action, Environmental Defense, The Wilderness Society, and the League of Conservation Voters. These groups voiced their views about the harmful impact of President Bush's policies on Colorado's environment. The environmental leaders also presented a list of the Bush Administration's 50 assaults on the environment, which appears below.


In his first 100 Days in office, President Bush and his administration led an unrelenting attack on our environmental protections for clean air, drinking water, sustainable energy, wildlands and wildlife. Here is a list of the top 50 actions they've taken that should concern all Americans. 1. Allowing a higher level of arsenic in drinking water · 2. Drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge · 3. Working to scuttle forest protection plan · 4. Promoting oil and gas drilling in protected areas on public lands · 5. Allowing dangerous levels of carbon dioxide emissions · 6. Encouraging boundary adjustments to existing National Monuments · 7. Pursuing resource extraction on National Monuments · 8. Pulling out of Kyoto accord on Global Warming · 9. Eliminating the effectiveness of citizen suits under the Endangered Species Act · 10. Applying Global Gag Rule · 11. Weakening sulfur standards · 12. Pulling support for grizzly bear reintroduction in Idaho · 13. Attacking appliance efficiency standards · 14. Cutting funding for National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden · 15. Choosing "Clean" Coal funding instead of investing in renewable energy sources · 16. Reversing hard rock mining reclamation and bond regulations · 17. Cutting Environmental Protection Agency budget by $500 million · 18. Underfunding Department of the Interior · 19. Funding studies for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge · 20. Playing a Shell Game with Land and Water Conservation Fund · 21. Slashing Endangered Species Funding · 22. Shortchanging the Land Conservation, Preservation and Infrastructure Improvement Program · 23. Backpeddling on National Parks funding · 24. Reducing money for assessing water quality · 25. Subsidizing logging on public forests · 26. Cutting Department of Agriculture's budget · 27. Eliminating the Wetlands Reserve Program · 28. Supporting recreation fees for public lands · 29. Nominating Attorney General John Ashcroft · 30. Focusing Energy Task Force on polluting sources of energy · 31. Not allowing public input in Energy Task Force · 32. Expanding Nuclear Energy · 33. Rolling back hardrock mining water contamination standards · 34. Demanding Fast-track trade authority · 35. Attempting to undermine a ban on snowmobiles in National Parks · 36. Reviewing off-road vehicle restrictions in Florida's Big Cypress National Preserve · 37. Keeping communities in the dark about chemical accidents · 38. Delaying rule to protect wetlands from mining and draining · 39. Cutting EPA Enforcement Programs · 40. Suspending rule for worker's health and safety · 41. Allowing states to override federal protections · 42. Abandoning rain forest conservation · 43. Drastic cuts in acid rain and air toxics funds ·44. Filling important posts with anti-environmental industry representatives · 45. Weakening Midwest gasoline clean-air standards · 46. Suppressing data about dioxin in the food supply · 47. Letting up on big industrial farm pollution · 48. Entertaining requests to allow untreated drinking water in Florida · 49. Pushing for oil drilling off Florida Coast · 50. Eliminating Farmland Protection programs
