
February 18th, 2009

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July 13, 2000

Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (CO-1) successfully attached a provision to the reauthorization of the 1996 Ryan White Act that would safeguard federal funding for HIV/AIDS programs throughout Colorado and the nation.

Under the current law, funding for local governments fluctuates according to the numbers of full-blown AIDS cases. As a result state governments and their grant recipients have been unable to rely on a consistent level of funding and hindered in their ability to maintain consistent outreach programs year to year. The DeGette Amendment, which was adopted in the bill, contains a “hold harmless” provision that ensures that federal funding to state governments cannot decrease by more than 1% per year.

“The need for funding throughout the state is increasing, yet Colorado lost almost $160,000 for prevention and treatment programs in 1998 and 1999,” said Rep. Diana DeGette. “Congress must meet its commitment to helping those living with HIV and AIDS, and this measure will now ensure the viability of community-based programs that serve our communities.”

Rep. DeGette added, “Thankfully, patients with HIV/AIDS can now be assured that federal dollars won’t disappear overnight from the vital programs they depend on.”

The revamped legislation also redirects funding to target areas with high numbers of people living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Eligibility for funding under the 1996 Act is based on the number of full-blown AIDS cases, which understates the need for resources in many communities with growing numbers of HIV patients, such as Colorado.

The House Commerce Committee passed the legislation to the full House today for consideration. The bill is expected to come before the House for a vote as early as next week. The Senate passed a similar reauthorization of the Act on June 6. Differences between the two bills will be reconciled in conference.