
February 18th, 2009

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Rep. DeGette: Republicans' Energy Plan Designed for 1970s, not 2000s

November 18, 2004

Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) released the following prepared remarks to be delivered on the Floor of the House in opposition to the Republican energy plan, which is under consideration in the House of Representatives today:

    "The United States needs an energy policy for the 21st century. Our nation needs to reduce its reliance on Middle East oil and increase our energy independence. Unfortunately, the Republicans' proposal completely fails to do this.

    We need an energy policy for 2003, but the plan we have before us was designed for 1973. The authors of this plan act as if reliance on foreign oil, climate change and the need for energy conservation are of no consequence.

    The plan gives billions of dollars to the oil and gas industries so that our nation continues to rely on the Middle East for petroleum. It does nothing to encourage energy conservation, which would reduce the strain on our overburdened electrical grid. It does nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ignoring the overwhelming evidence about the real impact we are already feeling from global climate change. It does nothing to encourage investment in renewable energy - a technology that was new and exciting in the 1970s and, with proper Congressional support, must finally be part of our energy infrastructure for the future.

    It is our duty as Americans to lead and not follow. Sadly, this conference report is not a forward-looking policy. I must vote no on this energy bill that is nothing more than a whole lot of yesterday."
