
February 18th, 2009

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June 23, 2004
Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431

Government Policy Should Enhance Research, Not Hinder It

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) released the following prepared statement at a press conference today to announce the introduction of legislation she is sponsoring with Rep. Michael Castle (R-DE) to expand federal support for stem cell research:

I want to thank Dan Perry of CAMR and all of the organizations and patients who have joined us today. Their dedication to advancing stem cell research shows how important this science is to millions of Americans across our nation. These patients and advocates understand that this critical research may lead to cures for type 1 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and even cancer. But it will not move forward as quickly as it should if the current policy limiting government support for research remains in place.

In 2001, President Bush crafted this policy as a compromise that allowed limited federal support for some embryonic stem cell research. Three years later, however, it is clear that his policy has hindered progress. Today, only 15 to 19 federally funded stem cell lines are available to scientists. The National Institutes of Health – the nation’s premier research institution – is prohibited from putting the full weight of its resources behind one of our most promising areas of medical science. Government policy – not scientific limitation – is now holding stem cell research back.

Now is the time for Congress and this Administration to recognize that the current policy does not work. With government on the sidelines, new scientists are reluctant to pursue stem cell research and the private sector is unwilling to invest in the field. The public, researchers and industry are looking to us for leadership. That is why Representative Castle and I are introducing a bill that will significantly enhance federal support for embryonic stem cell research.

Our bill will increase federal involvement, including expanding research eligible for funding, increasing NIH scientist participation and establishing strict ethical guidelines for research. This will allow stem cell research to move forward at a pace determined by science, not limited by government. This will enable scientists in the United States, where stem cells were discovered, to reclaim leadership in this field and enable patients in the United States to reap any benefits from their advances.

This is not about politics. It is about science, medicine and hope. We have an opportunity to help end the suffering of millions of people with chronic or terminal diseases. With the right support, we may one day look at Parkinson’s, diabetes and cancer as we look at polio and measles today – diseases of a bygone era that we no longer have to fear.

The federal government should be in the business of encouraging and assisting research that can help save the lives of its citizens. That is why 206 Members joined Representative Castle and me in a letter to President Bush urging him to change his stem cell policy. It is why there is a bipartisan majority of members in the House and Senate that supports the expansion of the government’s policy. It is why CAMR and all of these patients are here today to support our legislation.

