
February 18th, 2009

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DeGette: Who is Ready to Cast the First Stone?

September 30, 2004
Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431
 WASHINGTON, DC – The following are the remarks made by Democratic Floor Whip Diana DeGette (D-CO) in opposition to the Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution, which was debated in the House of Representatives today:

"The debate over whether to amend the Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman is preposterous to me on so many levels it is difficult to know where to begin.

One of the most glaringly absurd aspects of this debate is that marriage never has been - nor should it be now – a federal issue.  Marriage is a quintessential state issue – states have always had the ability to determine what constitutes marriage and the protections that it affords pursuant to the will of their citizens. 

Not only does this proposed amendment turn the notion of federalism on its head it is antithetical to the very spirit of the Constitution.  This amendment would enshrine discrimination in our Constitution, and be the only amendment that takes away a group’s rights.  And it would not only take away the right to marriage, but also the ability to provide basic fundamental rights, such as the right to visit a partner or child in the hospital. 

And to those who say it will help children, I have this question: Why shouldn’t we instead ban divorce?  Approximately 20 million children, the product of heterosexual marriages, are living in single parent homes in this country.  Fifty percent of heterosexual marriages will end in divorce. 

If a state allowed same-sex marriage, I don’t think it would change my own heterosexual marriage.  We are proud of the fact that this body represents America, and so I would ask those that are divorced, those who have committed adultery, search in your soul, ask yourself: Are you really ready to stand here today in this body and cast the first stone?"

