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Visiting Our Center

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Weekend Events and Tours
NASA's Glenn Research Center hosts free lectures, special events and tours for visitors of all ages. See the monthly schedule below for more information.

First Saturday

Star Station One - Find out about the International Space Station and its benefits to humanity on the first Saturday of every month. During this fun-filled interactive program, volunteers from the audience will assist with a microgravity simulation and conduct an experiment. The audience will learn how astronauts work as a team and see space spinoffs -- everyday items that originally were developed for the space program.

Image of visitors at the Glenn hangar. Star Station One is offered for groups of 20 or more, and reservations are required six to eight weeks in advance. Call (216) 433-3156 to schedule an 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. program.

Image left: Visitors gather outside the NASA Glenn Hangar before a tour. Credit: NASA

Facility Tours - From April through October, NASA Glenn offers public tours of its world-class research facilities on the first Saturday of each month. Join us and find out where NASA develops and tests cutting-edge air and space technology. See our tour schedule for more details.

Second Saturday

Living and Working in Space - Have a group of 20 or more people? If so, the Visitor Center will present a narrated slide show of actual shuttle missions and tailor it to your group's age level or interests. Reservations are required six to eight weeks in advance. Call (216) 433-3156 to schedule an 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. program.

Your group will learn about the important work shuttle astronauts perform on their missions. Plus, find out how astronauts eat, sleep and handle personal hygiene on the shuttle. Though this program is only scheduled for groups of 20 or more, walk-in visitors are welcome to sit in when it occurs.

Image of children at a Glenn event.

Third Saturday

The NASA Glenn Visitor Center hosts a special event on the third Saturday of most months. These events include special activities and presentations by NASA engineers and scientists. Check out our event schedule for more details.

Image right: Children receive temporary NASA tattoos at the craft table at one of Glenn's popular Third Saturday events. Credit: NASA

Fourth Saturday

Our Solar System - The Visitor Center will present this program for groups of 20 or more at 11 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of every month. Call (216) 433-3156 six to eight weeks in advance to make your reservation. The program may be tailored to your group's age level or interests.

A narrated slide presentation, Our Solar System takes viewers on a tour of the sun and its natural orbiting bodies through art and NASA mission images. After the program, your group will take part in "Plotting of the Planets," an interactive demonstration showing the comparative distances between the sun and its nine planets. Though this presentation is only scheduled for groups of 20 or more, walk-in visitors are welcome to sit in when it occurs.

More Information:
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