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Thanksgiving Column: Remember to give thanks for freedom

By U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson

Washington, Nov 16 -

This Thanksgiving as you gather around the table to enjoy a warm, fresh feast and count your blessings of bounty, would you please say a prayer of gratitude for America’s freedom – and those who fight for it?

When you think back to Thanksgiving 2001, did your heart go out to 3,000 plus people who died on September 11th? Did you fly an American flag in front of your home? In 2001 before your meal, did you say a special prayer for the noble men and women separated from their families because the newly-waged Global War Against Terrorism sent our selfless armed forces to the rugged, dangerous terrain of Afghanistan?

Fast forward to today. With our gallant men and women fighting for freedom for six years, has our patriotic spirit waned? I’d say yes.

As a Prisoner of War in Vietnam for nearly seven years, this pains me. I can not and will not let another generation of military men and women put their lives on the line while an entire nation goes on with its day-to-day activities as if we do not have our own bold countrymen fighting in harm’s way.

It’s the sole responsibility of democracy-loving Americans to change that by making a concerted effort to make the safety, support, and swift return of our heroic troops - and veterans - a top priority.

Were you angry when you heard that our veterans make up a disproportionate number of the homeless population? A new study revealed that veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States, though they are only 11 percent of the general adult population.

And homelessness is not just a problem among middle-age and elderly veterans. Younger veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are trickling into shelters and soup kitchens seeking services, treatment or help with finding a job.

Talk about a huge wake up call! These things should not be happening! It’s embarrassing. Our brave men and women deserve so much better than this. So much better!

This Thanksgiving, I hope and pray that every American will be thankful for the skill, dedication, and courage of our United States military, and their willingness to defend our nation and our interests in every corner of the globe. Now we’re blessed with an all-volunteer military. These folks eagerly put their lives on the line so others don’t have to.

We must give great thanks for our freedoms – and our soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen who defend those freedoms.

While we gather with friends and family to celebrate the holidays, there will be countless men and women in uniform standing guard in some of the most far reaching posts on Earth. They won’t be laughing with family and friends or savoring a giant feast like you and I. We owe each of them a debt of gratitude.

I’m hopeful all Americans will pause to remember those things for which we can all give thanks. The list is long. It is my hope and prayer that the touchstone of democracy – the United States of America which represents freedom, hope and opportunity – ranks very high on your list.