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United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of Idaho

Larry Craig


Susan Irby (202)224-8078
Will Hart (208)342-7985

For Immediate Release:
November 12, 2004

Adopt a child, enrich your life

by Senator Larry Craig

Some readers may know that my wife, Suzanne, and I recently moved from Payette to a new home in Eagle. Our biggest reason for the move has also been the biggest reward - since relocating, we have been able to spend more time close to our children and grandchildren in the Boise area. Let me tell you, I love being a grandpa.

For some Idahoans, however, being a grandparent is far off in the future. Simply starting a family of their own is more prevalent in their minds. If you are in that situation, I strongly encourage you to consider adoption.

In keeping with tradition, President Bush has declared November to be National Adoption Awareness Month, and the theme this year is "Answering the Call," building on The Collaboration to AdoptUSKids national recruitment campaign. The purpose is to raise awareness about more than120,000 children in foster care nationwide who are waiting for permanent, loving families.

It is no surprise that children generally do better with a permanent family than in an institution. Among the many things a growing child needs, stability is one of the most important. This is not just my personal belief but official U.S. policy. While the best place for a child is usually with his or her family, that is not always possible - and in such cases, the next best situation for the child is a permanent kinship or adoption arrangement within the child's own country.

In Idaho, we have outstanding organizations and individuals working to promote both domestic and international adoption. The State of Idaho and SNAPS Inc., Idaho Youth Ranch, Dee Sarton and the Wednesday's Child Program, the CASI Foundation for Children, Jay and Sally Hildebrandt, and many other organizations and individuals too numerous to mention have created a culture of acceptance and selflessness in our state and the Greater Northwest.

As an adoptive parent myself, I can vouch for how rewarding a way this is to bring children into your life. Another benefit for me has been meeting many wonderful people in the adoption and foster care community. And by providing a child with a stable, loving environment for development, you greatly enhance that child's chances to be a valuable citizen who makes a positive contribution to society as an adult. Your actions will affect generations to come.

If you have ever thought about adoption or becoming a foster parent, I encourage you to visit the Idaho CareLine at http://www.idahocareline.org or call 1-800-926-2588, or visit the Wednesday's Child website at http://www.idahowednesdayschild.org, and get involved.

Adoption may not be for everyone, but I can truthfully say that it is an excellent option for many who may not have considered it. My kids have blessed me in ways I never would have guessed. I love being a grandpa.
