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Congressman Jon C. Porter

Jon Porter has made community service a lifetime commitment. Currently in his third term as a member of the United States House of Representatives, Mr. Porter’s common-sense approach and experience as a local leader has enabled him to successfully fight for the needs of Southern Nevadans.

In January of 2003, Jon Porter began his 22nd year of serving the community when he was sworn in as Nevada's first Representative of the newly-created Third Congressional District, one of the most unique and fastest-growing regions in the country. Ranging from the metropolitan areas of Las Vegas, to the growing suburbs of Henderson, to the idyllic Lake Mead and Red Rock Canyon, Nevada's Third District is a spectacular place to live or to visit.

Congressman Porter currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee. The assignment allows Mr. Porter to continue to advocate for low taxes, access to affordable healthcare and trade issues that will that will have a direct impact on Nevadan families. The Congressman’s position further allows him to promote policies that foster the continuing expansion of Nevada’s booming economy.

Congressman Porter additionally serves on the House Budget Committee. This committee is responsible for drafting Congress's annual budget plan and monitoring action on the budget for the federal government. As a member of this important committee, Mr. Porter will continue to ensure the federal government spends the tax payer's money with discretion.

During the 108th Congress, Congressman Porter served on the House Education and the Workforce Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. In the 109th Congress, Congressman Porter also secured a seat on the House Government Reform Committee, and became Chairman of the Federal Workforce and Agency Organization Subcommittee. As Chairman of the Subcommittee, Mr. Porter led the investigation into possible falsification of documents and quality assurance failures at Yucca Mountain.

Congressman Porter first held public office as a Boulder City Councilman in 1983, eventually becoming Mayor in 1987. In 1994, Mr. Porter set his sights on extending his service and was elected to the Nevada State Senate, where he served for eight years. Among his many legislative accomplishments at the state and local level, of particular note is his role in providing for long-range school construction, the preservation of Southern Nevada's environmental resources, and extending prescription drug benefits to seniors.

Jon Porter was born on May 16, 1955, in Humboldt, Iowa. He attended Briar Cliff College in Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Porter has two children, J. Chris and Nicole.

Congressman Porter started his professional career as a small business owner with the Farmers Insurance Group. He maintained an office in Henderson, Nevada, overseeing 40 agents in Southern Nevada.

On a personal level, music has always been a passion for Mr. Porter. He is a founding member of the “Second Amendments,” a bi-partisan Congressional band that has played for various charities in the Washington area. The band has also performed for our brave men and women in uniform serving overseas.

Click here to download Congressman Porter's photo ( 05/02/06 01:17 PM PST )



    House Republicans are continuing to fight on the House Floor for increased production of American Energy. So far not a single Democrat has cared enough to come back to Washington to deal with this crisis. Congressman Porter calls on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Congress, to bring us back into session so that Congress can vote on proposals that will increase American-made energy.

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