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The Pelosi Premium

Washington, Apr 24 -

In the midst of celebrating the 38th anniversary of Earth Day, our country reached two less than triumphant milestones: another record breaking escalation of gas prices and, on April 24th, the second anniversary since Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said “Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices.” For both of these events, there will not be any parades or fireworks; just millions of Americans struggling to find the finances to put gas in the car while still paying for groceries for their family.

Our current energy crisis is a crucial issue facing this country, and at this moment, we are facing two distinct battles: with nations who use their oil reserves for political motives against us; and with the damage that has occurred to our planet. These battles have much in common and they are both battles we must win. First, we must be released from the oil-drenched grips of foreign governments who drive oil prices up, placing financial hardship on American families. By investing in alternative and domestic energy sources such as wind, solar, biofuels, hydroelectric, biomass, and nuclear, we can begin to reduce our reliance on foreign energy sources and thus return the control of our financial destiny to the people of this great nation. The second battle is with the impact of a petroleum based economy. While we cannot undo the damages that fossil fuels have done to our planet, we can begin to reduce their presence in hopes of reversing some of the effects of global warming.

To achieve energy independence, we must create a short-term, a mid-term, and a long-term plan. The majority has failed to put together a plan and, instead, have voted on four separate occasions to raise gasoline taxes. It doesn’t take a Harvard educated economist to tell you that when you raise taxes on a product, the cost goes up as well. In the 16 months since Democrats took the gavel in Congress, gas prices in New York have skyrocketed $1.14.  In January 2007, we paid an average of $2.509 compared to today’s absurd $3.645, which is more than a 50% jump. As the pain at the pump continues to ravish hard-working Americans of their hard-earned money, the once nightmare scenario of $4 a gallon gasoline may soon become a harsh reality.

But instead of throwing my hands in the air and giving up, I have cosponsored and introduced legislation, written letters, and voted for practical solutions to reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, lower gas prices here at home, and invest in all forms of energy to create American jobs and grow our economy. I have introduced tax credits for alternative energy research, development, and implementation (the Clean and Green Renewable Energy Tax Credit Act of 2007, the Securing America's Energy Independence Act of 2007, and the Rural Wind Energy Development Act) and have cosponsored legislation to generate renewable energy and encourage novel technologies related to the production of energy (GREEN Technologies Act of 2007). The No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007, H.R. 3089, of which I have also cosponsored, secures unrestricted reliable energy for American consumption and transmission by increasing domestic energy production. I have also supported legislation to move the United States toward greater energy independence and security, to increase the production of clean renewable fuels, to protect consumers, to increase the efficiency of products, buildings, and vehicles, to promote research on and deploy greenhouse gas capture and storage options, and to improve the energy performance of the Federal Government.

Whether we are working to reduce greenhouse gas emission or lower gasoline prices, inaction by the federal government coupled with tax increases isn’t going to get us anywhere. It is time for Speaker Pelosi to fulfill her promise to the American people and pass “commonsense” legislation that will get America closer to energy independence without raising taxes. Middle class families and their increasingly tight budgets need relief, not more broken promises.

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