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June 22, 2004

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Daniel K. Akaka and Daniel K. Inouye announced that they had the privilege of making a presentation today to the Senators who are members of the Democratic caucus of the Senate regarding S. 344, a bill expressing the policy of the United States regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians and to provide a process for the recognition by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity.

"The caucus responded to our presentation with their support for the bill and their blessing, which was followed by a rousing ovation," said Senator Inouye, who serves as Vice Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs - the Committee of jurisdiction over the measure in the Senate.

Senate Democratic Leader Thomas Daschle reiterated his support for the legislation, stating, "I strongly support passage of the Native Hawaiian Recognition Act and so, I suspect, do the vast majority of Senators. I know from speaking with tribal leaders in South Dakota that this bill also enjoys broad support throughout Indian Country. The Hawaiian language and Native Hawaiian traditions are among the most beautiful threads in America's rich cultural tapestry. Preserving Native Hawaiian culture and heritage is critically important to the Hawaiian people and to our entire nation. This measure is long overdue and I hope that Congress will pass it soon so that it can become law."

"As we work to bring S. 344 to the Senate floor for consideration, today's strong expression of support from our caucus, coupled with the bipartisan support we have attracted from Senators Stevens, Campbell, Hatch, and Smith, and other Republican colleagues, sends a clear signal to the Majority Leader that we have the support necessary to overcome procedural hurdles and pass the legislation in the Senate, given the opportunity," Senator Akaka noted. "This is particularly important in light of the pressing national issues pending consideration on the Senate Calendar."

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June 2004

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