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Tax Relief and Finance

The U.S. economy continues to grow at a strong pace and unemployment rates are falling throughout the country.  As a Member of Congress, I am promoting pro-jobs, pro-growth, and pro-business initiatives that will make our economy stronger and more competitive in the future.

We are all looking to keep more of the money we earn and for more financial freedom.  Therefore, I support efforts to repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax, which has greatly expanded to reach many modest middle-income taxpayers.  I also support efforts to permanently repeal the estate tax.  I believe that rescinding the tax would present a unique opportunity for Upstate New York.  Eliminating this tax burden will encourage economic development in our area, as doing so will facilitate the successful transfer of small businesses and family farms from one generation to the next.  Local businesses will no longer have to face the burden of high inheritance taxes and therefore will not be driven out of business after the death of a family member.

Additionally, I have reintroduced legislation, H.R. 2448, to cut the federal gasoline tax when the national average gas price reaches $3 per gallon.  The bill calls for a 10-cent reduction per gallon.  In our predominantly rural area of New York, people depend on the cars and have few other transit options.  Coupled with efforts at the state level to cap the state tax on gasoline, this proposal would help to relieve consumers at the pump during times like these.

During the 110th Congress, I will continue to support tax cuts and work to ensure that the American people have the benefit of a fair, simple taxation system.

Related Documents:

Recent Vote - Vote in favor of H.R. 4137, the College Opportunity and Affordability Act 7.31.2008

Recent Vote - Vote against H.R. 3221, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act 7.24.2008

Recent Vote - Vote in favor of H.R. 6331, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act 7.15.2008

Recent Vote - Vote in Favor of H.R. 6327, the Federal Aviation Administration Act of 2008 6.24.2008

Press Release - Kuhl Introduces Legislation to Simplify Tax Code for Small Businesses and Farmers 6.10.2008

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Related Files:

CRS Report on Major Tax Reform Proposals

CRS Report on Internet Taxation

CRS Report on the Flat Tax Proposal

CRS Report on Overview of the Federal Tax System

CRS Report on Extending the 2001, 2003, and 2004 Tax Cuts

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