U.S. Senator John Cornyn
United States Senator, Texas
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Sen. Cornyn: We Will Not Give Up Until the Senate Acts to Lower Gas Prices

Friday, July 25, 2008

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Gas Prices & Domestic Energy Production
Gas Prices & Domestic Energy Production - Friday, July 25, 2008
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WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, made the following statement regarding the failed effort this morning by Senate Democrats to end debate on the energy bill and block all legislative efforts to strengthen domestic production. A cloture vote to end debate imposed by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid was defeated by Sen. Cornyn and his Republican colleagues, who have vowed to keep the Senate focused on the energy issue until the Senate takes concrete steps to lower gas prices.

“With gas prices crippling the budget of millions of families and small businesses, the American people are looking to Congress and demanding answers. It’s our responsibility to respond. Unfortunately, the Democratic leadership in Congress, led by Senator Reid, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Obama, has erected a political blockade around America’s energy resources. Their effort to avoid dealing with the issue of high gas prices is an insult to all Americans who are struggling with the price at the pump.

“Senate Republicans have consistently presented real initiatives that would boost domestic energy production, bring down gas prices, and help to free our country from its dangerous dependence on foreign oil. And just as consistently, these three Democratic leaders have ignored these proposals and the call of the American people to take action and produce more energy here at home. They prefer the path of political expediency.

“I refuse to follow course and do the bare minimum for the Texans I represent. They deserve and expect more. I urge the Majority leaders in the Senate to fulfill their leadership responsibility and do right by the American people in addressing the energy crisis in a comprehensive way. The Senate must stay focused on this issue until we take concrete steps to lower gas prices, promote alternative energy sources, and lessen our dependence on foreign oil.”

For the complete transcript of Senator Cornyn's remarks, click here.


Earlier this month, Sen. Cornyn joined members of the House and Senate GOP leadership in accepting the signatures of more than 1.3 million Americans who have signed a petition demanding that Congress increase production of American energy to help reduce gas prices. As he has traveled throughout Texas in recent months, the number one issue for Texans he’s met with has been the burden of high gas prices.

Along with his Republican colleagues in the Senate, Sen. Cornyn is supporting the Gas Price Reduction Act, common-sense legislation that would take several steps to boost domestic energy production, bring down gas prices and help America become more energy-independent.

In addition to supporting the Gas Price Reduction Act, Sen. Cornyn and other members of the Senate Republican leadership team have attempted to pass the American Energy Production Act. This bill would have led to the estimated production of up to 24 billion new barrels of oil - enough oil to supply America for 5 years with no foreign imports. It would have also helped reduce gas prices in the near term by sending an important signal to the markets. Unfortunately, the measure was defeated by Democrats in Congress, but Sen. Cornyn remains committed to working toward increased refinery capacity in the U.S., more domestic energy production and additional alternative energy sources.

For more information on Sen. Cornyn’s efforts to reduce gas prices and bolster America’s energy security, visit http://cornyn.senate.gov/gasprices.

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services, Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.

July 2008 News Releases

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