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Bachmann Fights for American Energy Independence
Introduces the GREEN Act - Getting Resources Efficiently and Effectively Now

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Washington, D.C., Sep 18 -

(Washington, DC)  Today, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-6) continued her fight for American energy independence and introduced a bill which would stop frivolous lawsuits from blocking domestic energy production.

"In America, drilling for oil and natural gas can be easily hampered by frivolous litigation filed with the sole purpose of delaying and blocking energy exploration," stated Bachmann. "These obstacles to accessing our own energy resources have been costly to Americans who want American-made energy to power our economy, create jobs, and carry us into the future.

"Environmental protections are important and necessary, but frivolous legal challenges to oil and gas leases, chiefly aimed at blocking production, can drag on for years. The GREEN Act would prevent unnecessary delay by ensuring compliance with applicable federal laws already in place. This bill will not ignore our nation’s environmental laws, but it will prevent frivolous lawsuits by organizations seeking to halt American energy production. These energy resources are critical to lowering prices at the pump and providing the American people with the relief they deserve."


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