
February 18th, 2009

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DeGette Hails $36 Million in Federal Funds to Jump Start Denver Union Station




DENVER – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) announced today, along with the Regional Transportation District (RTD) and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), $36 million in federal funds have been awarded by Federal Highway Administration to jump start Denver’s Union Station’s (DUS) into a regional intermodal transportation hub as envisioned by Denver Metropolitan voters.


"I am extremely pleased to help bring these vital federal funds to assist in transforming Denver Union’s Station into the region-wide intermodal transportation hub as passed by Colorado voters through the FasTrack initiative in 2004," said DeGette.  "With rising oil and gas prices, the need to fully build out our regional rapid transit system is now greater than ever.  The redevelopment of Denver Union Station is the central core of FasTracks and will be key in quickly moving people around the metro region and beyond.  The significant commitment of federal funding is proof of the regional and national importance of this 21st Century transportation project."


The $36 million in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration is part of a total of $50 million federal funds secured by U.S. Rep. DeGette through the Projects of National and Regional Significance which was part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) of 2005.  The federal funds were secured with the help and support of CDOT and RTD.  The remaining $14 million is expected to be released in future fiscal years.


"We truly appreciate the hard work by Congresswoman Diana DeGette in getting this critical funding for Denver Union Station included in the federal budget,"  said RTD Chairman Lee Kemp.  "We all recognize the importance of DUS as the cornerstone of the multi-modal transportation system for the entire metro area, and this funding will help secure its future."


"We are appreciative of Congresswoman DeGette's efforts and support to secure federal funding for this key multi-modal hub," said CDOT Executive Director Russ George.  "The partnership between our federal, state, regional and local agencies is stronger than ever and working together we will be able to build this remarkable project."




The specific projects the federal funds will be appropriated to DUS include;  preliminary engineering, design work, site preparation, relocation of the 16th Street Mall shuttle turnaround, track work, and construction of the temporary light rail station that will be required while the permanent station is being built.   DUS is scheduled to be completed and open to the public in 2012 with the full build out of FasTracks scheduled to be running by 2016.

