
February 18th, 2009

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Statement of U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette On Senate Passage of H.R. 810

July 18, 2006
Contact: In DC - Brandon MacGillis (202) 225-4431
In CO - Chris Arend (303) 844-4988 
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) released the following statement regarding Senate passage of H.R. 810, the “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.”

“Today’s vote in favor of stem cell research by the U.S. Senate is a victory for the millions of Americans suffering from life threatening diseases like Parkinson’s and diabetes.  By passing H.R. 810 this Congress has proved we are willing to set politics aside when it comes to expanding life saving research. 


“Unfortunately there is one man standing in the way of life saving cures to a myriad of diseases: President George W. Bush.


“President Bush’s restrictive stem cell policy is a failure.  H.R. 810 moves to correct that by allowing this important research to move forward under ethical constraints.  This research holds so much promise to solving diseases that affect more than 110 million Americans.  Vetoing it would be one of the greatest mistakes of his Presidency.”
