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DeGette: Rove Must Apologize for Shameful Remarks

June 23, 2005
Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431
 WASHINGTON, DC – Democratic Chief Deputy Whip Diana DeGette (CO-01) today called on White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove to apologize for the shameful and scurrilous remarks he made on June 22 in New York City:

“President Bush and Republican Members of Congress should immediately repudiate Karl Rove’s shameful remarks. It is unconscionable for Rove, or anyone else, to try to politicize the horrible events of 9/11. He should apologize immediately.

Americans of all political stripes stood united in defense of our great nation and in support of our brave troops in the field. Unfortunately, some decided it was more important to score cheap political points than to maintain that unity.

It is clear, from the comments of leading Republicans including Senators John McCain, Chuck Hagel, John Warner and Ted Stevens, that the war in Iraq is not succeeding.  But instead of addressing the failure to adequately supply our troops or adequately plan to defeat the insurgency, one of President Bush’s senior advisors is making a scurrilous attack against loyal and proud Americans.”
