
February 18th, 2009

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DeGette Statement Blasting New Fuel Efficiency Standards

August 23, 2005
Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431
 DENVER, CO – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette released the following statement on the federal government’s announcement of a change in fuel efficiency standards for light trucks and SUVs:
"The SUV fuel efficiency standards announced today only pay lip service to the need to increase the fuel economy of all vehicles, and will do little to address the high price of gasoline.

Dispersing fuel economy over more vehicle size classes may be a reasonable approach, but a lack of mandatory targets for the auto industry renders this proposed regulation completely toothless. Moreover, these new standards will not raise fuel efficiency standards enough to reduce demand for foreign oil and lower gas prices or address the looming threat of global warming. This proposed rule, which exempts the heaviest gas guzzlers like the Hummer from regulation, might actually encourage automakers to build more inefficient vehicles.

If the Bush Administration is really serious about helping consumers with high gasoline prices, it should encourage automakers to implement already available technology that allows our cars to go significantly farther on a gallon of gas and develop more hybrid and alternative fueled vehicles."
