
February 18th, 2009

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Rep. DeGette Statement on Response to Hurricane Katrina

September 2, 2005
Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431

 WASHINGTON, DC – DENVER, CO – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) released the following statement on the response to Hurricane Katrina:

“Our nation is in the midst of one of the worst disasters we have ever faced. While our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, what they need most right now is our help.  We need to ensure the safety of the thousands of people who are still stranded in the region and secure New Orleans and the surrounding areas.

There are serious questions to be asked about speed and effectiveness of FEMA and other federal agencies in responding to this catastrophe.  There are additional questions to be asked about why gas prices began rising even before the supply had been interrupted.  I will assure you that I intend to ask these hard questions in the days and weeks ahead; in fact my committee is holding hearings on the gas pricing issue next week.

Even with these questions, though, the immediate concern is helping the victims of the hurricane.  I, like most Coloradoans feel frustrated and angry as I watch the news from New Orleans. Many constituents have called my office to voice their frustrations and ask what they can do to help. The Red Cross is performing heroic work to get assistance to our neighbors. For anyone who wants to help the victims of the hurricane, you can call 1-800-HELP-NOW to volunteer or provide a donation to the Rocky Mountain Red Cross. You can get additional information on how to help on my Web site at www.house.gov/degette. This assistance is absolutely critical.

On behalf of the citizens of the First Congressional District, my staff is providing assistance to the members of Congress in the affected areas and I have offered our facilities, and other resources to help them serve their constituents' needs.  People will need help getting their Social Security checks, Medicaid and Medicare treatment, and many other federal services. 

The Congressional offices have been destroyed along with everything else, and I hope we can help in some small way provide resources to help residents of the Gulf Coast get the aid they desperately need.  I am also working with local businesses and community leaders, including the Ministerial Alliance, to determine the best way that they can provide their expertise and assistance.

Also, today, Congress did what was absolutely necessary by giving FEMA an additional $10 billion to respond to the hurricane. But make no mistake we should not pat ourselves on the back for this. Americans expect and demand that their government act immediately to save lives in time of national disaster.

There will be time in the future to ask why and how these problems occurred. But right now, we must focus all of our efforts on helping those in need. I want to again thank everyone at the Red Cross for their efforts and urge everyone who can to volunteer to help our neighbors in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.”
