
February 18th, 2009

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Statement by Rep. DeGette on Nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

October 3, 2005
Contact: Josh Freed
(202) 225-4431

 WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) released the following statement on the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court:

"Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has set an extremely high standard for her successor to meet. In nominating Harriet Miers, President George Bush has chosen someone with a long professional record but whose judicial philosophy is unknown. This makes the Senate’s role of advice and consent even more critical. I hope and trust that the White House will provide the Senate, and the American public, with all of the information needed to determine Ms. Miers’ qualifications and experience to serve as a Supreme Court Justice."
