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The Future of Universal Service: To Whom, By Whom, For What, and How Much?

Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet
Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 9:30 a.m.
Room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building

Hearing Webcast

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Witness List & Prepared Testimony

Please click on the name of the witness to link to their prepared testimony. The testimony is available in Adobe pdf file format.

Panel I
Mr. George Lucas
The George Lucas Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 3494
San Rafael, CA 94912
Mr. Rey Ramsey
One Economy
1220 19th Street NW, Suite 610
Washington, DC 20036
Mr. Charles Sullivan
Executive Director
International Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants (C.U.R.E.)
P.O. Box 2310
Washington, DC 20013
Ms. Jane Smith Patterson
Executive Director
The E-NC Authority
4021 Carya Drive
Raleigh, NC 27610
Mr. Randolph J. May
The Free State Foundation
10701 Stapleford Hall Drive
Potomac, MD 20854

Hearing Transcript

Not available at this time. The printed hearing should be available within 90-120 days of the conclusion of the hearing. When available, the text of the printed hearing may be viewed at the U.S. Government Printing Office Web site.