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Contact: Sara Lasure (202) 225-4301

Boozman: Legislation Misleading Americans

House Seal Outline


Washington, Sep 16 -

Congressman Boozman expressed his opposition to H.R. 6899, the ‘Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act’ introduced by the House majority late last night and debated for the first time today. Here are prepared remarks from the congressman:

Mr. Speaker, There are nine working days in the legislative calendar to vote on a commonsense energy plan. It’s something my constituents in Arkansas’ Third District have asked for and it’s something every American deserves. Unfortunately, the legislation has been labeled ‘energy’ when in fact it’s a no-energy bill.

The nearly 300 pages of legislation provide no solutions to expand our American energy. It permanently locks up to 80 percent of American energy on the Outer Continental Shelf, and permanently locks up more than one trillion barrels of oil from oil shale in the Inter-Mountain West and permanently locks up more than 10 billion barrels of oil on Alaska’s remote North Slope. The only thing that we need to make permanent is the ability for Americans to utilize all of their natural resources to increase energy.

We need to consider a comprehensive plan that uses an ‘all-of-the-above’ approach to utilizing all of America’s energy sources. This plan is a ‘none-of-the above’ approach.

I yield back the balance of my time.

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