Robert P. Casey Jr.

United States Senator for Pennsylvania

Democrat Casey Rejects Bush Request for More Iraq War Funding

November 17, 2007

Source: Bloomberg

By Christopher Swann

Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic Senator Bob Casey urged members of Congress to reject President George W. Bush's latest request for funds to fight the war in Iraq and said Iraqi leaders are stalling on the political targets set by the U.S.

"As the Iraqi leaders drag their feet, the cost of war -- to our troops, our national security and to our treasury -- keeps rising," Casey, from Pennsylvania, said in his party's weekly radio address. "Now, President Bush has asked for nearly $200 billion more to continue the war indefinitely, with no accountability. This request is unacceptable."

Bush today criticized Democrats for failing to act on his request for an additional $190 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling it "political posturing" in his weekly radio address. Senate Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked over whether to tie war funding to a troop withdrawal timetable.

Casey said the U.S. should start deploying troops out of Iraq, focusing on training Iraqi forces and fighting terrorists. "Our plan will also provide our troops with the training, equipment and rest they need and ensure that our government treats enemy combatants in accordance with the rule of law," he said.

Democrats, who have been repeatedly thwarted in their attempts to force a change in war policy, said they will likely wait until next year to act on more funding for military operations.

Casey said Bush has been neglecting domestic priorities for low-income children, police and America's infrastructure. He added that the recent turmoil in Pakistan was a reminder that new global challenges can "arise overnight" and that America had lost its ability to "respond quickly and effectively."

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