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Freedom in Iraq
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We must respond to terrorism and radical fundamentalism just as we have to fascism, communism, and all other soul-crushing, liberty-snuffing movements, not just for the safety and benefit of Americans, but for the good of all mankind.

Securing Freedom

With all the day-to-day hardships our soldiers face on the streets of Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq, many people around the country, including myself, have taken a much more critical look at the way the war in Iraq has been handled.

It is still clear to me that our success in Iraq and the success of the current Iraq government are critical to

  • the security of our nation,
  • the stability of the Middle East, and
  • the fight against terrorism worldwide.

While most agree that the current situation in Iraq must be dealt with politically and economically, our military involvement is providing the Iraqis with the stability they so desperately need to let their new democracy take root.

If we pull our troops out of Iraq now, or deny them much needed reinforcements as some would like to do, we risk losing Baghdad and possibly the entire country to full-blown civil war. Under those circumstances, the government of Iraq would fall, and Iran and Syria would strengthen their grip on the Middle East, endangering the national security of America and our allies worldwide.

This government in Iraq must now stand up. We have allowed them to form and to shape and to vote. They now have a Constitution. They now must lead the way to stability in the region and the greater Middle East.

primary sources:

Senate Floor Statement: "Consequences of a Premature Retreat from Iraq," 7-17-07
Text | Video [WMV/Streaming]

Senate Floor Statement: "On the Iraq Resolution," 2-7-07
Text | Audio [MP3/11:51/4.1MB] | Video [WMV/Streaming]

Testimony: "Withdrawal is not an option," (Dr. Henry Kissinger) 1-18-07
Text [PDF/37KB]

The 2005 deployment of the 116th Brigade Combat Team to Iraq represented the largest mobilization of the Idaho National Guard since World War II. Learn more in my Senate Floor Statement expressing my gratitude and honoring their exemplary service.

Senate Floor Statement: "Tribute to Idaho's 116th Serving in Iraq," 11-10-05
Text | Audio [MP3/8:04/7.4MB] | Video [WMV/Streaming]

Support our troops:

It is critical that our men and women serving in Iraq be able to see that their efforts are truly appreciated, and that people back home are thinking about them.

Related editorials:

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Visiting Our Troops: May, 2005

Visiting Our Troops: October, 2003