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World Water Monitoring Month

Raising awareness of water quality issues.

You can be a part of World Water Monitoring Month. Beginning September 18, people throughout the world will take part in water monitoring activities designed to engage the public at a local level and raise their awareness about global water issues.

Coordinated by the Water Environment Federation and the International Water Association, World Water Monitoring Month brings the message of the U.S. Clean Water Act to a global audience. The goal is to reach one million people in 100 countries by 2012.

Water monitoring activities are conducted at a local level and reported worldwide. An easy-to-use test kit enables everyone from children to adults to conduct basic testing of their local streams, creeks, lakes or other water bodies anytime between September 18 and October 18, 2008.

Participants measure four common water quality parameters: temperature, acidity (pH), clarity (turbidity) and dissolved oxygen. These parameters offer a quick guide to determine the health of a water body. The monitoring results are then shared with participating communities around the world through the World Water Monitoring Month Web site. Exit EPA Disclaimer

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