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Since its start in 1980, the Superfund program has achieved substantial progress in cleaning up hazardous waste sites and protecting human health and the environment. However, in an effort to address stakeholder criticism and to make the Superfund program work faster, fairer, and more efficiently, EPA implemented a series of far-reaching administrative improvements.

In 1993, EPA's Administrator announced the first of three rounds of "Superfund Reforms." Each round of reforms consisted of various initiatives and pilots which focused on changes that could be implemented within the existing statutory framework. The reforms were intended to accomplish various goals, ranging from national programmatic changes to changes affecting individual sites at every stage of the cleanup and enforcement processes.

Many of the reforms are fully integrated into the way the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) does business and are indistinguishable from the processes they were designed to impact. OSRTI continues to complete this integration, while continuing to meet the needs of stakeholders for information and individual points of contact.

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